Project Udbhav: Indian Army Turns To Ancient Texts To Prepare For Wars Of The Future

The Indian Army with a strength of 12 lakhs, is embarking on a journey to tap into the rich reservoir of ancient Indian wisdom in...

The Indian Army with a strength of 12 lakhs, is embarking on a journey to tap into the rich reservoir of ancient Indian wisdom in statecraft, strategy, diplomacy, and warfare to prepare itself for the challenges of the future.

Project Udbhav

This endeavor, known as “Project Udbhav,” represents an initiative by the Army to rediscover India’s heritage of statecraft and strategic thought as drawn from ancient Indian texts. In collaboration with the United Service Institution of India, the Army Training Command (ARTRAC) conducted its inaugural hybrid seminar under this project, titled “Evolution of Indian military systems, war-fighting, and strategic thought – current research in the field and way forward.”

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While the project has garnered interest and support, some veterans have raised questions about the applicability of deep-rooted Indian strategic concepts in the context of modern and future conflicts. This initiative aligns with the government’s directive to modernize and shed “vestiges of the colonial era” in the armed forces

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The project, which began in 2021, has already yielded a book listing 75 aphorisms selected from ancient texts, offering valuable insights into India’s strategic heritage. The recent seminar gathered scholars, serving officers, and veterans to study ancient texts dating from the 4th century BC to the 8th century BC, with particular attention to figures like Kautilya, Kamandaka, and The Kural.

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Project Udbhav will continue with a series of engagements, including the Indian Military Heritage Festival scheduled for October 21-22. The Army’s overarching goal is to equip its officers with the ability to apply ancient wisdom to modern scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding of international relations and foreign cultures in the process.

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Picture of Divyanshu Pandey

Divyanshu Pandey

Senior Lecturer General Studies, SSBCrackExams, Cleared CDS 4 times, NDA 2 times, Ex- N.C.C. cadet, SSB Expert. Passionate Teacher, Trained defence aspirants for their SSB Interview, BSc in PCM expertise in Geography, Indian Polity, Current Affairs and Defence affairs. Writing Article and Travelling solo.

1 thought on “Project Udbhav: Indian Army Turns To Ancient Texts To Prepare For Wars Of The Future”

  1. learn from Ghenghis khan , he was truly a war lord , also learn from Alexander the great , he was also great warrior,


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