AFCAT is coming soon, candidates who are looking forward for AFCAT 1 2016 can start their AFCAT exam preparation as soon as possible. As we all know clearing AFCAT exam is not a cake walk, if you want to clear the AFCAT exam, you have to get a good score which will also help you to get in the final merit list of Indian air force. Just clearing the AFCAT cut off marks won’t help you either. In past few years we have seen the merit list of Indian air force, you could hardly find 100 candidates getting merit in. So the better option is to prepare for the AFCAT exam with a proper planning. One should aim to get at least 200 marks out of 300.
Best AFCAT 2016 Exam Coaching
 How to Prepare for AFCAT 1 2016
Getting more marks in AFCAT is not difficult and can be done easily with proper planning. Here are some tips on  How to Prepare for AFCAT 1 2016 exam preparation.
Know about AFCAT: First of all do some research on what AFCAT exam is. A serious candidates must know the syllabus of afcat, types of questions you will face in afcat, afcat maximum marks, afcat previous cut off marks, difficult and easiest sections in afcat question papers etc. These small things will help you to make a plan for your preparation. Most of the candidates neglect this part, but make sure you do proper homework on this part.
Know all about AFCAT Exam
2. Prepare from AFCAT previous question papers: This is one of the best way to prepare for the AFCAT exam, you will be surprised that few questions might come fromAFCAT previous question papers.
AFCAT Question Papers Fully Solved
AFCAT Question Papers Unsolved
3. Buy AÂ AFCAT Book: If you want to go beyond and solving previous question papers is not enough for you, buy a good afcat exam book online. Solve as many as questions you can.
4. Make Better Decisions: There are many candidates miss out AFCAT exam with few marks, try to make a better decision as to how much questions you have to answer correctly to pass the exam. If we look at the past few years afcat cut off, you can easily say that the afcat exam cut off remains between 125-130 marks. Let us assume you have to score minimum 130 marks, for that you have to answer minimum 44 question correctly without answering a question wrong. So it is very simple, you can easily score 44 questions correctly as every section has 25 questions each. If you prepare for two sections perfectly, you could easliy score around 150 marks. Avoid guessing answers when you are not sure.
5. Speed Matters: In AFCAT exam speed matters, you have to complete 100 questions in 2 hours. There are few sections where you need just 5 secs to answer a questions, you are are right, general knowledge sections is something you can do with speed, another sections is English, these sections do not take much time to solve because you either know the answer or you don’t. Mathematics and Military aptitude will definitely take more time. So plan accordingly.
Best Patterns to Solve the AFCAT question paper:
1) Maths—>Military Apptitude—> English—>GK [If you Maths is strong]
2) GK—>English—>Apptitude—>Maths [If you are weak in Maths]
1 thought on “How to Prepare for AFCAT 1 2016”
give some tips for afcat