10 Good Habits Every Indian Airforce Aspirant Must Have

Donning the blue uniform of The Indian Air Force is a dream of many indeed. The bliss of uniform and working for the nation is...

Donning the blue uniform of The Indian Air Force is a dream of many indeed. The bliss of uniform and working for the nation is no more than a blessing.

To aspire and get into one of the tri forces which comprises guardians of the sky one needs to imbibe some habits or polish some existing ones. Working on oneself and regular practice leads to betterment in wide aspects and areas. Even if selection can’t be guaranteed but a better lifestyle is what one may get from these is sure. Below mentioned are 10 habits every India Air Force Aspirant must inculcate to ensure improvement which can bring one a step closer to their goals.

1. Scheduling Tasks

From the AFCAT exam to SSB and Air Force Academy, although these vary on a lot of terms but one thing common is the execution of task scheduling. So to think and actually attempt for Indian Air Force entry one should make a proper routine for their daily to-do list. Be it studying or exercising, having note of time, duration, sub-tasks, and next plans is very important in order to make things fall in place. It helps in managing time and ensures personal as well as professional growth.

2. Regular Exercise

Daily body movement from anything like stretching, walking to Running, gym, or home workouts holds a crucial place for being able to fit in the physical standards of the armed forces. It helps to determine one’s physical endurance in order to approve them to be soldiers in blue. A healthy body is a sign of a good fit. Although physical fitness alone does not ensure selection, it does hold a prime position. Also, exercise has proven to improve mental health as well and make one disciplined.

3. Track of Current Affairs

Reading newspapers daily helps one keep up with all the current affairs which is dominant in both written exams as well as SSB interviews.  It also proves to be of help in all phases of life. It also helps one build their vocabulary which again is beneficial for acing any exam. Newspapers like The Hindu, The Mind. Magazines like Pratiyogita Darpan, The Week are some great options to read and increase knowledge. YouTube channels like SSBCrack Exams, and podcasts, The Print are great options to improve and understand concepts better.

4. Practice English Language

English being the most spoken international language is a compulsory criterion for cracking any government-related exam as one may need to represent the nation in other countries and speak with people whose first language is English. Listening to English Podcasts, reading self-development books written in English, texting people in English, speaking to peers in English, watching English movies, and listening to English songs. Learning new words and using them in sentences, it will prove to be of use during the Word Association Test of SSB Exam and helps to refine communication skills in general.

5.  Learn 20 static facts daily

Be it related to defence solely or be it international relations or firsts and lasts, knowing pre-existing facts which will not change and hold a dominant position in general knowledge. It will help one in every spear of life not just in joining the Indian Air Force.

6. Declutter bad habits

Cutting out on toxic habits should be added to the list of having habits to increase one’s chances to join the Indian Air Force. Procrastination, laziness, short attention span, negligence, harsh vocabulary, bad posture, unhygienic behaviors, etc which can reduce one’s chances to be a good individual should be worked upon and reduced as much as possible. These should be replaced by good habits which will not jeopardize selection chances.

7. Active participation

Be it some small local event or be it of state or national level, taking part in competitions builds up confidence, helps grab exposure, and gives the experience needed. Although winning or losing any contest or competition doesn’t matter for Air Force selection, a soldier is expected to be prompt and active in making decisions, performing and giving best individually or in teams. Prompt individuals who try out new things are appreciated.

8.  Wake Up Early

The key to a healthy life is timely and proper sleep. Make sure to go to bed before 12 midnight and wake anytime between 5 am to 7 am. Ensure 7-8 hours of sleep. Power naps of 30 minutes do no harm. Kill that slump by drinking lots of water, listening to your favorite music, guided meditation, a short private dance or anything that helps you to not lose out on energy.

9. Eat Healthy

Junk and outside food is fine once in a while, but that shouldn’t become a habit. The eating habit should be first to understand a balanced diet and prepare one’s own by looking for food options that help in maintaining proper health. Artificial supplements should be avoided as much as possible and natural homemade food should be preferred. Having a fixed breakfast, lunch snack, and dinner helps better indigestion. Sitting and eating with proper chewing of food also helps in the same. Planning meals before and checking calories and nutritional data can be helpful.

10. Learn a skill

Having knowledge of a skill that makes one unique amongst the crowd is always advantageous. Similarly having expertise in some sport, music, art, dance form, languages can prove you have an upper hand in this service and The Indian Air Force may provide you with opportunities to showcase your talent nationally as well as internationally and amongst the soldiers of other countries too.

The above mentioned are just a few of the many habits one should work upon, imbibe, and add to include in your lifestyle to increase your chances to join the prestigious Indian Air Force and make yourself, your family, and the country proud. So try to follow these habits and comment below what other habits you as a defence aspirant follow. 

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Picture of Ishita Banerje

Ishita Banerje

Intern at SSBCrackExams. Defence aspirant. Sophomore year student pursuing Bachelors of Journalism Honors at Delhi University. Aficionado of poetry, mandala art, astronomy and foreign languages.

1 thought on “10 Good Habits Every Indian Airforce Aspirant Must Have”

  1. Can you do a detail blog about MNS. Not only about MNS exam but also their lifestyles, and how to become a nurse in Navy?……… Navy nurses need to sail?


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