10 Tips To Excel In The OIR Test

On day 1 of SSB interview candidates have to face the screening test, two rounds are conducted under this – first OIR test and second...

On day 1 of SSB interview candidates have to face the screening test, two rounds are conducted under this – first OIR test and second is PPDT (picture perception and description test). Merit is created on the basis of candidate’s performance in both the tests. We can say that the first test conducted in SSB interview is Officer Intelligence Rating Test, OIR test is a written exam consisting of 54-55 questions consisting simple linguistic, logical, analytical, and mathematical questions to test the common sense of the candidates. Let’s have a look at some points that will make you better prepared for the OIR Test in your upcoming SSB.

1. The basis of the OIR tests is in the verbal and non-verbal type of questions and many candidates aren’t able to distinguish between the two sets of questions. The OIR tests are kept to assess whether you possess the required logical and intelligence that forms the foundation of an officer. You should not only be able to differentiate between the two but should also be able to practice both the type of questions accordingly.

2. You must listen carefully to each and every instruction that is given by the officer who is conducting the testing. The officer will also conduct a practise test before the actual test starts in order to make you familiar with the testing procedure and the difficulty level of the tests which in this case is very less.

3. Preparing for any test beforehand always comes handy as it sets your mind towards a certain inclination where you are more like to face a similar type of problems and thus will adjust well during the testing. Some candidates become nervous before the exam and in this nervousness, they mess up their tests by simple mistakes that could have been avoided if only they would have prepared in advance. The nature of the questions is very normal and they can be faired easily if you are doing a good amount of practice consistently.

4. Candidates often forget the time factor in the examination which spoils their test as they aren’t able to attempt more questions. The limited-time in the OIR test acts as a catalyst to induce pressure on the candidates and only those candidates who have practised well with time-based preparation can score good marks in the OIR tests. The candidates have to make sure that they are attempting the questions in such a manner that they can attempt nearly all the questions in the given time with maximum accuracy.

5. The biggest factor in the OIR test is that it isn’t based on negative marking concept and that is to encourage the candidates to attempt maximum questions in the provided time. In other tests, candidates hold back due to the fear of negative marking and don’t even mark the questions that they found may be right but that makes them more nervous. You should attempt as many questions as you can in order to score good OIR rating and that’s one good reason to not leave any questions.

6. Many candidates dwell on the questions that are difficult in nature and are taking a lot of their time. This practice holds you back and doesn’t let you attempt more questions. You should able to prioritize the questions according to their difficulty level in your mind in the spur of seconds and should attend to those questions that you find easy and viable to score good marks in the OIR tests.

7. The candidates should prepare the practice OIR test questions from a good and credible source in order to get a fair amount of idea of original questions. This practice of preparing from a credible source will benefit you at the time of testing as you will realize how close you were in dealing with the same level of questions as that of OIR test. You should practice sample questions from such sources regularly in order to improve your speed and accuracy.

8. Don’t trust the marking on the old booklets and don’t mark the booklets provided to you as a gesture of being a fine gentleman candidate that you are by adhering to the instructions given by the officers. Trusting marking on the old booklets may lead you in trouble as they could have wrong answers that can jeopardize your marks and when you are marking in the booklets, you are giving another upcoming candidate an undue advantage over his peers. This is an ungentlemanly behaviour.

9. The difficult type of questions such as cube and dice needs a lot of practice as many candidates encounter them for the first time and they aren’t able to properly understand the concept of these questions. You are required to practice such type questions from a trustable source as if you aren’t aware of such questions than it will take more time from you and thus less time for another question.

10. With the advent of social media, various platforms and groups on mediums such as Facebook, WhatsApp and telegram have started as a way to bring aspirants together. It is possible to form a group of people with a common interest such as SSB and on these groups; one can practise regularly and come in touch with other aspirants who have been to the SSB in recent. This way you will be able to practice in the perceived and regular manner which will give you a slight edge over others in the OIR tests.

You can prepare for defence entrance exams such as NDA, AFCAT, INET, MNS, ACC and CDS by taking Written Online courses as they will not only give you access to full-length quality lectures but will also provide the facility to take standardized mock tests for better study and strategic growth in the exam. You can take multiple quizzes after each lesson to ensure the full understanding of the subject along with creating your customized lesson plans. You can check out the course content along with other important specifics at SSBCrack exams.

You can also access them through the SSBCrack Exams app available in the google play store.

Jai Hind

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