10 Ways To Improve Yourself Before Next SSB Interview

SSB Interview is all about squeezing the personality of a candidate from his life. It is truly said that SSB is a subset of life....


SSB Interview is all about squeezing the personality of a candidate from his life. It is truly said that SSB is a subset of life. What you are in your life, is what you display in SSB. Most of the time, it is not about not having the desired qualities, but it is more about not being aware of it and not being able to display it in the testing process. These are the areas that candidates need to improve on to be better able to show the desired qualities in the SSB. Here are 10 ways that will help you improve yourself before the next SSB:

  • Brush Up the Social Skills; Don’t avoid socializing:

One of the core officers like quality that assessors see in a candidate is Social Adaptability. That means, there is no compromise while looking for this quality and this is a quality that cannot be developed by training in the academy. So, start brushing up this quality.

  • Start maintaining a journal

Having a journal or a diary is good for self-analysis. You can record your feelings, goals, timelines, emotions and it also helps to keep a track of your improvement.

  • Do an in-depth SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis stands for Strength-Weakness-Opportunities-Threat analysis. This is not a one day task, it could take anywhere between weeks to months to do a perfect SWOT analysis. You get to know your hidden strengths and weaknesses through this. Try to work on and overcome your weaknesses.

SWOT Analysis
  • Do a Johari Window analysis

Johari window consists of 4 quadrants each representing set of qualities known to self, known others, unknown to self, and unknown to others. This is done by asking people feedback on you – one thing that is very much required for Self Description Test.

Joahri Window
Johari Window
  • Be passionate about what you are attending the interview for

If you are passionate about something, it will definitely be yours. Be passionate about the forces that you are giving interviews for. Do not let failures come in way of your passion, instead, learn from failures and give your best.

  • Brush up speaking skills and be a good listener

No matter how much the assessor says that you can speak in Hindi, don’t listen to him. English is very much required. Brush up your speaking skills by reading newspapers, talking in English, etc. Also, be good at grasping by being a good listener. Be attentive and observant of your surroundings.

  • Accept mistakes/failures and be confident

Mistakes are the stepping stones to success. An optimist person always takes failures positively and overcome that. Confidence in accepting the mistakes is very necessary to make changes in one’s personality.

  • Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
SSB Interview
Candidates at SSB

No war is won by sitting in the comfort zone. One must always push his limits and get out of his comfort zone. It can be anything from waking up early to having cold showers in the morning.

  • Set the ideal version of yourself as your idol

Imagine what an ideal you would look like – waking early, going for a run, helping parents and it can be anything. This is the ideal version of you. Take inspiration from this ideal version and strive to be the ideal you.

  • Choose to be positive and avoid overthinking

You can either choose to succeed or to lose. It is decided by you. You must choose what you want in life. You must also avoid what stops you from choosing that. One main reason for this is overthinking – thinking which hinders growth. Just believe in yourself and go for it.

Conclusion: These are the mere tips that will help you improve on yourself. This will just give you a kickstart to be a better version of yourself. The real improvement has to be from within you. Have faith in yourself.

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Picture of Abdul Junaid

Abdul Junaid

Just another average human being. 2 times recommended for army and 1 time for IAF.

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