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13 Inspiring Facts About The Sher Shah Captain Vikram Batra PVC(P), Our Kargil BraveHeart

“I’ll either come back after raising the Indian flag in victory or return wrapped in it, but I will come for sure.” These were the last words of the Sher...

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“I’ll either come back after raising the Indian flag in victory or return wrapped in it, but I will come for sure.” These were the last words of the Sher Shah of the Indian Army, Late Captain Vikram Batra. You must have come across this name when the Kargil war was going on but the name and the man have been forgotten. Not only should every Indian know his name but the life of this martyr too because he died for the Indians.

13 Inspiring Facts About The Sher Shah Captain Vikram Batra PVC(P)

  1. Captain Vikram Batra was born on 9 September 1974, in a small town in Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. He got his primary education from his mother, who herself was a teacher
  2. Captain Vikram Batra would have been the General of the Indian Army staff, had he returned from the Kargil war fought between India and Pakistan in the year 1999
  3. He was an officer of the Indian Army and died in the Kargil war while rescuing an injured officer in an enemy counterattack
  4. Batra died on July 7, 1999 when he was only 24 years-old
  5. On June 19, 1999, under the leadership of Captain Vikram Batra, the Indian army snatched point 5140, from right under the enemy’s nose
  6. After this successful operation of Point 5140, Captain Batra volunteered for the next mission to recapture point 4875. This point was 17,000 feet above the sea level and 80 degree steep
  7. On July 7, 1999, in the early hours, he was commanding a mission to rescue an injured officer during an enemy counterattack
  8. It is believed that during the rescue attempt, he pushed aside the injured officer saying, “You have children, step aside.”
  9. He was killed in action while clearing enemy positions
  10. In his remembrance, Captain Batra’s name is used by the Indian Army for various constructions and cantonments
  11. 2003 movie LOC Kargil was made as a tribute to the soldiers of the Kargil war. Reportedly, Abhishek Bachchan played Captain Batra’s role
  12. He was awarded with the Param Vir Chakra after his death
  13. As his signal to communicate the success of his missions, Captain Batra was also well known for using the slogan “Yeh Dil Maange More!”.


During ‘Operation Vijay’, on 20 June 1999, Captain Vikram Batra, Commander Delta Company was tasked to attack Point 5140. Captain Batra with his company skirted around the feature from the East and maintaining surprise reached within assaulting distance of the enemy. Captain Batra reorganized his column and motivated his men to physically assault the enemy positions. Leading from the front, he in a daredevil assault, pounced on the enemy and killed four of them in a hand-to-hand fight. On 7 July 1999, in another operation in the area Pt 4875, his company was tasked to clear a narrow feature with sharp cuttings on either side and heavily fortified enemy defences that covered the only approach to it. For speedy operation, Captain Batra assaulted the enemy position along a narrow ridge and engaged the enemy in a fierce hand –to-hand fight and killed five enemy soldiers at point blank range. Despite sustaining grave injuries, he crawled towards the enemy and hurled grenades clearing the position with utter disregard to his personal safety, leading from the front, he rallied his men and pressed on the attack and achieved a near impossible military task in the face of heavy enemy fire. The officer, however, succumbed to his injuries. Inspired by his daredevil act, his troops fell upon the enemy with vengeance, annihilated them and captured Point 4875.

Captain Vikram Batra, thus, displayed the most conspicuous personal bravery and leadership of the highest order in the face of the enemy and made the supreme sacrifice in the highest traditions of the Indian Army.”

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