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CDS & AFCAT 2 2024 Exam Maths Algebra Class 3

Algebra is a fundamental component of the mathematics syllabus for competitive exams like the Combined Defence Services (CDS) and Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT). A recent class dedicated to...

Algebra is a fundamental component of the mathematics syllabus for competitive exams like the Combined Defence Services (CDS) and Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT). A recent class dedicated to this subject focused extensively on solving important multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering all key topics in algebra. This article aims to highlight the critical areas discussed in the class, emphasizing the importance of practicing MCQs to achieve proficiency in algebra for these exams.

Simultaneous Equations and Solutions

Simultaneous equations involve finding the values of variables that satisfy multiple equations at the same time. These can be solved using various methods such as substitution, elimination, and graphical representation.

Example MCQ:

Question: Solve the following system of equations:
[ 2x + 3y = 12 ]
[ 4x – y = 5 ]

Solution: Using the elimination method, multiply the second equation by 3 and add to the first equation to eliminate ( y ). Solve for ( x ) and substitute back to find ( y ).

Answer: ( x = 3, y = 2 )

Quadratic Equations

Quadratic equations are polynomial equations of the second degree. They are typically written in the form ( ax2 + bx + c = 0 ). Solving these equations involves finding the values of ( x ) that satisfy the equation.

Quadratic Formula

The quadratic formula is used to find the roots of a quadratic equation when factorization is difficult or impossible. The formula is derived from completing the square in the quadratic equation.

Example MCQ:

Question: Solve the quadratic equation ( 2x2 – 4x – 6 = 0 ) using the quadratic formula.

Solution: Apply the quadratic formula to find the roots.

Answer: The roots are ( x = 3 ) and ( x = -1 ).

Relation between Roots and Coefficients

Understanding the relationship between the roots of a quadratic equation and its coefficients can simplify the process of solving these equations. For a quadratic equation ( ax^2 + bx + c = 0 ), the sum and product of the roots can be directly related to the coefficients ( a ), ( b ), and ( c ).

Example MCQ:

Question: If the roots of the quadratic equation ( x2 – (k+1)x + k = 0 ) are 2 and 3, find the value of ( k ).

Solution: Use the relationships between the roots and coefficients to set up equations and solve for ( k ).

Answer: ( k = 5 )

Importance of Practicing MCQs

Practicing multiple-choice questions (MCQs) is essential for mastering algebra and excelling in the CDS and AFCAT exams. MCQs provide a platform for reinforcing theoretical knowledge and developing problem-solving skills. Here are some benefits of practicing MCQs:

  1. Concept Reinforcement: MCQs require you to apply algebraic concepts, which helps reinforce your understanding.
  2. Variety of Problems: Exposure to different types of questions enhances your ability to tackle various problem scenarios.
  3. Time Management: Regular practice improves your ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently.
  4. Confidence Building: Familiarity with question patterns and consistent practice builds confidence.

Strategies for Solving Algebra Problems

To excel in solving algebra problems, adopt the following strategies:

  1. Memorize Key Concepts and Methods: Ensure you know the common properties and methods for solving algebra problems.
  2. Understand the Problem: Carefully read the question to identify what is being asked and the relevant concepts.
  3. Practice Regularly: Regular practice with a variety of problems helps in retaining the concepts and improving problem-solving speed.
  4. Double-Check Calculations: Always double-check your calculations to avoid simple errors.
  5. Use Reliable Resources: Utilize reputable study materials and online resources that offer a variety of practice questions and detailed explanations.


Algebra is a vital topic for the CDS and AFCAT exams, requiring a solid understanding of various concepts and the ability to apply them effectively. The recent class on algebra provided a comprehensive overview of key topics such as simultaneous equations, quadratic equations, the discriminant, the quadratic formula, and the relationship between roots and coefficients. Focusing on practical problem-solving through extensive discussion of important MCQs is crucial.

Regular practice and a strategic approach to problem-solving will ensure that you are well-prepared to tackle any algebra questions that come your way. Stay focused, practice diligently, and approach each problem with confidence. Good luck !

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