EKT 2 2017 EEE ECE CSE IT Sample Questions

EKT 2 2017 will be conducted along AFCAT 2 2017 Exam in August 2017. EKT contains questions dealing with basic concepts of your discipline of...

EKT 2 2017 will be conducted along AFCAT 2 2017 Exam in August 2017. EKT contains questions dealing with basic concepts of your discipline of engineering. This test is crucial as it is compulsory to clear it, if you clear AFCAT and fail this test, you can’t make it in the technical branch.


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EKT 2 2017 EEE ECE Sample Questions

EKT 2 2017 EEE ECE CSE IT Sample Questions

Q.  If a circuit consisting of two mass elements, two spring elements and four friction elements. Find the order of transfer function?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 12
Q. Which of the following is/are the example of actuator?
a. pneumatic motor
b. hydraulic motor
c. magnetic motor
d. electric motor
Q. A certain control system has input u(t) and out put c(t). If the input is first passed through a block having transfer function e^(-s) and the applied to the system. The modified output will be
a. c(t-1).u(t)
b. c(t)u(t)
c. c(t).u(t-1)
d. c(t-1).u(t-1)
Q. The amplitude spectrum of a Gaussion pulse is
a. uniform.
b. gaussion.
c. a sin function.
d. impulse function.
Q. In the integral control of the single area system frequency error is reduced to zero. Then
a. integrator output and speed changer position attain a constant value.
b. integrator o/p decreases but speed changer position moves up.
c. integrator o/p increases but speed changer position comes down.
d. integrator o/p decreases and speed changer position comes down.
Q. The discussing sharing of a communication satellite by many geographically dispersed Earth station, DAMA means
a. Decibel Attenuated Microwave Access
b. Dynamically-Assigned Multiple Access
c. Demand-Assigned Multiple Access
d. Digital Analog Master Antenna
Q. The number of days when Earth’s shadow falls on a geosynchronous satellite is
a. 88
b. 5
c. 277
d. 10
Q. Which mode of radiation occurs in an helical antenna due to smaller dimensions of helix as compared to a wavelength?
a. Normal
b. Axial
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
Q. Which among the following is not a disadvantage of rhombic antenna?
a. Requirement of large space
b. Reduced transmission efficiency
c. Maximum radiated power along main axis
d. Wastage of power in terminating resistor
Q. What is the nature of current distribution over the small dipoles?
a. Spherical
b. Rectangular
c. Triangular
d. Square
Q. Error detection at a data link level is achieved by
a. bit stuffing
b. cyclic redundancy codes
c. Hamming codes
d. Equalization
Q. The transfer of data from a CPU to peripheral devices of a computer is achieved through
a. modems
b. computer ports
c. interfaces
d. buffer memory
Q. The first step in troubleshooting many problems is to verify which of the following?
a. The subnet mask is valid
b. TCP/IP is installed correctly on the client
c. The WINS server is running
d. The BDC is operable
Q. Interconnected networks need communication processors such as switches, routers, hubs, and gateways. Select the best fit for answer:
b. Protocol
c. Open Systems
d. Internetwork processor
Q. Which data communication method is used to transmit the data over a serial communication link?
a. Simplex
b. Half-duplex
c. Full duplex
d. All of above
Q. Which of the following network devices/systems translates data from one format to another?
a. Hub
b. DHCP Server
c. Gateway
d. NIC
Q. The data on a DVD is held in the form of ……. on the disc.
a. Small pits and bumps
b. small bits
c. small bytes
d. None of These
Q. The color code of a 1k Ω resistance is
a. black, brown, red
b. red, brown, brown
c. brown, black, red
d. black, black, red
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