Suresh Gangwal, a tea stall owner at Neemuch district of Madhya Pradesh, was a proud man while watching his daughter on TV. His daughter, Flying Officer Aanchal Gangwal, who graduated from the Indian Air Force Academy on Saturday, bagged the President’s Plaque. A Computer Science graduate from a government degree college in Neemuch, Ms. Gangwal joined the Madhya Pradesh police department as a Sub-Inspector.
Later, she quit the job after being into merit as Labour Inspector. “I worked there for eight months before joining the forces,” she said. Soon after graduation, she started appearing for AFCAT, and got recommended in SSB in her sixth attempt.
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”1″ display=”basic_imagebrowser”]When asked about the same, Aanchal said: “I am always ready to serve my motherland and see this as an opportunity to do so.” Aanchal holds a graduate degree in Computer Science from Sitaram Jaju Government Girls College in Neemuch, MP and had earlier worked as a sub-inspector in the MP Police Department and a labour inspector in MP Labour Department for eight months, before joining AFA.