5 Long Term Habits To Sustain For SSB Interview Preparation

The SSB Interview process is a very dynamic evaluation of your personality that you project voluntarily and subconsciously along with the many Officers’ Like Qualities...


The SSB Interview process is a very dynamic evaluation of your personality that you project voluntarily and subconsciously along with the many Officers’ Like Qualities or OLQs. The selection process at the SSB requires average and ordinary people who can perform extra-ordinary things and actions when the need arises. The armed forces of India require officers who display unparalleled mettle, quick wit, soldierly demeanour, concrete determination and intense social intelligence that clearly sets them apart from their fellow humans. Hence, the preparation for the same, unlike any other academic exam, requires an ongoing effort that should be imbibed in your daily routine.

An average defence aspirant, whether they are preparing for any forces and any rank, will have to face a time when they will be facing continuous failures. It seems like defence aspirants and failure walks parallel but that’s not for long as they put all of their determination for their goal. But still, not everyone can withstand that many failures and setbacks and still be optimistic about prospects. No one is born with OLQs, over a period of time we inculcate these qualities in our personality by doing certain actions, choosing a lifestyle and the kind of environment that we have around us.

The assessors are looking for a candidate who is consistent in their performance when they are put under various different situations that aims to extract their subconscious responses in extreme situations of mental stress. All the tests in SSB are meant to test you under pressure. This is because, in real life situation, an officer has to perform judiciously and efficiently under pressure, so a candidate must give positive response under pressure. The constraint of time is applied in the testing and most of the tests are designed in such a way that they get difficult with time.

1. Don’t Manipulate Your Way In SSB
The candidates who try to manipulate their way through SSB are liable to fail. This has been amply proved by the fact that some candidates keep failing at SSB and succeeds only after accepting the fact that they will have to work on their weaknesses rather than masking them in front of the assessors. The reason why you are told to be honest all the time in SSB is that if you lie and get selected somehow, then you might suffer a lot in training and in-service too because your personality and mindset is not meant for it.

2. Document Things And Routine
Soldiers are inculcated with a habit of keeping a written record of work. They note down every task with some of them following the unique pattern of the coloured inks. Proper colour coding is denoted and in this way, a system is generated. This system of maintaining the written records has many benefits in the end as it gives you a sense of fulfilment. You get the full knowledge of tasks done, pending and incomplete and that way you can plan your next day to strike them down.

3. Look For Sustainable Motivation
Looking for motivation through movies, actors or similar concepts only won’t sustain for long. Motivation should come from self and the fire should ignite in your own heart. Who can be a better ideal than your parents and Indian Military heroes? Revere them and study them while trying to imbibe what they used to practice in behaviour.

4. Mind-Set Prior To SSB
The mind-set is characterized by the problems of lack of self-belief and confidence. The manifestation of this outlook is in efforts that made to find out as to “What exactly SSB wants from me?” As a consequence, a large amount of time is wasted in trying to gather such information from each-other, experienced friends and various websites. Great emphasis is laid by such candidates on practising psychology tests, particularly stories. They are trying to seek the “ideal answers to routine questions” which are being asked in the interview and they are also “desperate to make a good impression”. The candidates are also very vulnerable to being influenced by illogical ideas.

5. Learn To Be A Scholar Warrior
The less you will read the more it will take you down to the depths of ignorance at the speed of light. Smart, wise and dumb generals have filled the pages of history and you will find them on the reading list of an officer on good days and bad. A good officer reads about his opponent, the memoirs of the officers and soldiers of the enemy nation to get a thorough understanding of their psyche and curves of the brain. This way the mind is enriched with fresh and raw ideas and you are all set to hold your ground and deliver what you are set against.

SSB Interview is based on the principle of selecting “right fit” for the job and not the most qualified person for the job. If a person is not selected in SSB that does not mean that they are a failure in life rather it just means that the person is not fit to for the armed forces life. We all make the initial mistake of thinking SSB as another competition examination in our life but I should tell you that it’s not a competition between you and other candidates but rather it is a competition where you have to beat yourself by your performance. You have to touch the bar set up by your decisions in life.

To begin with, SSB is not a normal job interview for a corporate where you have to study hard and are expected to know everything in order to get the job. SSB is different than all the examination prevailing in this nation. It hardly checks your knowledge, not even in Group Discussions and Lecturettes as many believe rather it just checks your suitability for the forces. This suitability is not entirely based on your knowledge. You can thus say that SSB is a multidimensional interview as it checks and assesses your entire personality.

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Picture of Arun Singh

Arun Singh

Intern at SSBCrackExams. Advocates for logic and rationale, a beginner in trekking, a poet at heart, cleared a few CDSE and AFCATs, went to a few SSBs and pursuing MBA.

1 thought on “5 Long Term Habits To Sustain For SSB Interview Preparation”

  1. Sir my age is above 27 and I’m going to take divorce soon but I really want to serve our nation the great INDIA but I don’t know what to do, please help me out with this , I will be very thankful if you give me a good suggestion. Thank you


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