HAL Bags Biggest-ever Indigenous Military Hardware Order

In the largest ever order for indigenous military hardware placed by the Indian govt, a Rs 65,000 crore tender has been issued by the Defence...

In the largest ever order for indigenous military hardware placed by the Indian govt, a Rs 65,000 crore tender has been issued by the Defence ministry to HAL for made-in-India 97 LCA Mark 1A fighter jets.

HAL Bags Biggest-ever Indigenous Military Hardware Order

In the largest ever order for indigenous military hardware placed by the Indian govt, a Rs 65,000 crore tender has been issued by the Defence ministry to HAL for made-in-India 97 LCA Mark 1A fighter jets. LCA Mark 1A is the advanced version of Tejas aircraft. According to news agency ANI, the tender was issued by recently and HAL has been given three months to respond to it.

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The new fighters will enable the IAF to replace its aging MiG fleet, which will be phased out. The gov -supported indigenous fighter aircraft programme is poised to boost indigenisation and benefit small and medium enterprises in the defence sector nationwide. The plan to buy 97 more LCA Mark 1A fighter jets was first made public by the IAF chief Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari on a trip to Spain — when he revealed to media India’s big plans to boost indigenous fighter aircraft orders.

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The last order for LCA Mark1A was for 83 aircraft. From that order, the first delivery is scheculed to be made in a few weeks from now. The LCA Mark 1A boasts of more advanced avionics and radars than the initial 40 LCAs that the IAF will get. According to official statements, local content in the new LCA Mark 1As will be more than 65 percent.

As per various media reports, the HAL is also poised to secure deals for over 200 LCA Mark 2s and similar number of fifth generation Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft. The shares of HAL traded significantly higher on April 12, rising 2.18% to end the day at Rs 3,643.

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Picture of Divyanshu Pandey

Divyanshu Pandey

Senior Lecturer General Studies, SSBCrackExams, Cleared CDS 4 times, NDA 2 times, Ex- N.C.C. cadet, SSB Expert. Passionate Teacher, Trained defence aspirants for their SSB Interview, BSc in PCM expertise in Geography, Indian Polity, Current Affairs and Defence affairs. Writing Article and Travelling solo.

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