How to earn PARAWING at Paratroopers Training School

PTS (Paratroopers Training School) is a school in Agra, Uttar Pradesh for the training of paratroopers in the Indian Army. PTS was founded in Agra...

PTS (Paratroopers Training School) is a school in Agra, Uttar Pradesh for the training of paratroopers in the Indian Army. PTS was founded in Agra in 1948. Soldiers who complete their basic para jump training at this school are awarded a parawing.

Parawing 1

PARA WINGS: There remains a single airborne brevet: an open parachute in white, with light blue wings extended from it, the whole on a gray-green drab background. (Some other variants have existed for ceremonial/mess uniforms, e.g., with gold wired wings on a maroon flannel, the same on a scarlet background for the PBG on their ceremonial tunics. This was formerly worn on the upper right sleeve but since 1975 appears above the right chest pocket and name tag.

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