IAF Technical Branch EKT Exam Preparation Tips

Technical Branch Aeronautical Engineer (Electronics) {AE (L)}. Candidates applying for AE (L) branch would be eligible if they have undergone a minimum of four year...

Last Minute Tips for EKT 1 2016 Exam

Technical Branch

  • Aeronautical Engineer (Electronics) {AE (L)}. Candidates applying for AE (L) branch would be eligible if they have undergone a minimum of four year degree qualification from a recognized University or cleared Sections A and B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India or Graduate membership examination of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers by actual studies.
  • Aeronautical Engineer (Mechanical) {AE (M)}. Candidates applying for AE (M) branch would be eligible if they have undergone a minimum of four year degree qualification from a recognised University or cleared Sections A and B examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India by actual studies.
Essential Subjects for AFCAT Technical Branch:

1. Aeronautical Engineer (Electronics) {AE (L)}. All candidates applying for AE(L) branch should have scored a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together and studied at least eight subjects out of the eighteen subjects listed below in their qualifying exam:-

(L1) Physics / Engineering Physics (L2) Mathematics / Engineering Mathematics (L3) Engineering Graphics / Engineering Drawing (L4) Electrical Engineering / Electrical Technology (L5) Control Engineering (L6) Microprocessors (L7) Digital Electronics / Basic Electronics (L8) Computer Networks (L9) Information Technology (L10) Network Theory Design (L11) Telecommunication Systems (L12) Electronic Circuit Design (L13) Radar Theory (L14) Switching Theory (L15) Instrumentation (L16) Microwave Engineering (L17) Antenna and Wave Propagation (L18) Electronic Devices.

2. Aeronautical Engineer (Mechanical) {AE (M)}. All candidates applying for AE(M) branch should have scored a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together and studied at least eight subjects out of the eighteen subjects listed below in their qualifying exam:

(M1) Physics / Engineering Physics (M2) Engineering Maths / Mathematics (M3) Engineering Drawing / Graphics (M4) Automotive Engineering / Plant Engineering / Industrial Engineering (M5) Engineering Mechanics / Strength of Material (M6) Aerodynamics (M7) Thermodynamics and Applications / Heat Power Engineering (M8) Heat and Mass Transfer (M9) Theory of Machines (Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery) (M10) Fluid Mechanics / Turbo Machines (M11) Flight Mechanics (M12) Machine Drawing / Machine Design (M13) Mechatronics (M14) Material Science / Metallurgy (M15) Vibrations (M16) Workshop Technology / Manufacturing Technology /Production Engineering (M17) Hydraulics and Pneumatics (M18) Aircraft Structures.

IAF Technical Branch EKT Exam Preparation Tips

IAF Technical Branch EKT Exam Preparation Tips

  • Practice makes a man perfect. Practice at least 1 hour daily for having a thorough knowledge about your basics.
  • Prepare by going through the previous year question papers as it will give you an idea about the paper pattern and the way to tackle a paper.
  • Never try to stick to a single question if it’s confusing. Move on to the next one leaving this one to be tackled in the left out time after you’ve gone through the rest of the paper.
  • Search in market for best books which contain basic contents of the EKT syllabus.
  • Make short hand notes of what you are learning for quick revision before exam.

At least 9 units should be prepared thoroughly to get good score; students can choose first the difficulty one and then the easiest units out of 16 units. Another way is first two units will have basics of the subject and last unit will have syllabus on applications.

Take 2 to 3 years old question papers for each subject and segregate unit wise questions. Select best questions, which will cover entire topics of the unit, thirty basic questions in each unit are adequate for preparation.

The questions which are repeated 3 or more time in the previous examinations can also be considered for preparation. This should be the last in preparation.

Prepare your answers from standards text books so that error chances are low.

Best EKT coaching

  • SSBcrack Exams has made EKT coaching easily getable by bringing it at your PC or Mobile. If you are planning to attempt EKT in future and seeking help with its preparation SSBcrack Exam is your answer for best EKT coaching.SSbcrack Exams, Best EKT Coaching offers:
    1. EKT full Online Course with study material
    2. EKT based National Level Mock Tests
    3. Reports and Analysis on performance
    4. Expected imported questions for upcoming EKT paper along with monthly GK and Current Affairs updates.

    To enroll in SSBcrack Exams, first a student has to register. There are two ways a student can register:

    1. Student can register through our website by providing – Username, Email id and Password. To Register Click Here
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Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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