Indian Military Academy Battalions and Companies

The Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun is one of the premier Institutions training Gentlemen Cadets (GCs) for commission into the Indian Army. The Academy is...

Indian Military Academy Battalions and Companies

The Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun is one of the premier Institutions training Gentlemen Cadets (GCs) for commission into the Indian Army. The Academy is known for its glorious history and valiant traditions which are not only an integral part of the Nation‟s proud heritage, but also form an indispensable sheet anchor of independent India‟s national security. The training at IMA is aimed at the optimum development of intellectual, moral and physical qualities essential for leadership in the profession of arms. Training at the IMA inculcates those qualities of mind and heart, patriotism, character, dynamism, initiative and understanding that are the very basis of leadership in war as well as in peace.

There are four training Battalions viz, Bhagat, Cariappa, Thimayya and Manekshaw commanded by Colonels and assisted by Majors and Captains who are the Company and Platoon Commanders. Battalions are named after the Ex Chiefs of the Army Staff except Bhagat Bn which is named after Lieutenant General PS Bhagat, VC – the first officer to be awarded with Victoria Cross and also was the Commandant of IMA. The Battalions are organized into four Companies each which are further sub divided into three platoons each.

The Army Cadet College Wing (Siachen battalion) headed by a Brigadier is the fifth Battalion of IMA located in Tons Campus. It consists of three Companies with three platoons each and a Academic Department headed by a Principal. The latter is organisation into various departments under the Humanities and Science Streams and each department is being headed by a Professor / Associate Professor.

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