Indian Military Nurse Service Exam Sample Questions

The written test for Indian Military Nurse Service Exam of 100 marks will consist of objective type questions based on Nursing, English language and Gen...

The written test for Indian Military Nurse Service Exam of 100 marks will consist of objective type questions based on Nursing, English language and Gen intelligence. There is no negative marking. The OMR based evaluation of the answer sheets will be done at IHQ of MoD(Army) and the result of successful shortlisted candidates will be declared online on the army website with the instructions for interview by fourth week of Sep 2016.Confirmation of the result will be the individual responsibility of the candidates. This Office will not be responsible for informing the result individually.

The Indian Army MNS Syllabus Consists:-

  • General English
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • General Intelligence

Indian Military Nurse Service Exam Sample Questions


1. Nursing is:

a. Diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual and potential health problems
b. It is an artificial art and science
c. It is an illegal issues help enhancing performance
d. None of these
Answer. a
2. The major symptom(s) of asthma is (are)

a. Wheezing
b. Cough
c. Dyspnea
d. All three are major
Answer. d
3. Malarial pigment consists of
a. Bilirubin
b. Melanin
c. Haemoglobin
d. Iron porphyrin haematin
Answer. d
4. Most common post-operative psychiatric condition is

a. Depression
b. Acute psychotic episode
c. Delirium
d. Manic episode
Answer. c
5. Calcium is excreted in
a. Faeces
b. Urine
c. Sweat
d. Vein
Answer. a
6. Treatment of relapse of periodic catatonia is
a. Thyroxin
b. Cortisone
c. Insulin
d. Imipramine
Answer. a
7. The best method of sterilisation of dressing powder is

a. Autoclaving
b. Hot air oven
c. Inspissation
d. Tyndallisation
Answer. b
8. Prokaryotes

a. Have nucleus
b. Contain DNA & RNA
c. Does not contain cell wall
d. Unicellular
Answer. d
9. Acute respiratory failure occurs when oxygen tension falls below,……mm Ng (hypoxaemia)
a. 50
b. 75
c. 80
d. 60
Answer. a
10. Thomas Szasz says that the concept of mental illness is analogous to

a. Religion
b. Witchcraft
c. Alienation
d. Rejection
Answer. b
11. Which of the following neurological structures are involved in the control of emotions?

a. Medulla
b. Hypothalamus
c. Pons
d. Cerebellum
Answer. b
12. A condition that is generally considered to be psychophysiologic Iis
a. Osleoarthritis
b. Hepatitis
c. Emphysema
d. Peptic ulcer
Answer. d
13. A primary nursing problem for Sandy’s diagnosis would be

a. Hypertension
b. Bradycardia
c. Dyspnoea
d. Atelectasis
Answer. c
14. Most common chromosomal abnormality causing mental retardation is
a. Trisomy XXX
b. XXY
c. XO
d. Trisomy 21
Answer. d
15. For somatic growth which of the following hormones is/are required

a. Growth hormone
b. Thyroxine
c. Somatomedin
d. All of the above
Answer. d
16. Areas where two or more sutures meet are
a. Sutures
b. Fontanelles
c. Vault
d. Segregated
Answer. d
17. Who was the psychologist who stated that there are certain levels of development in children, one of which is the sensory – motor stage?

a. Freud
b. Binet
c. Skinner
d. Piaget
Answer. d
18. Work helps a person to
a. Gain independence
b. Gain social standing
c. Gain ego identity
d. All of these
Answer. c
19. A person’s perception of illness as a stressor is primarily influenced by

a. Finances
b. Previous coping experiences
c. Occupational status
d. Intelligence
Answer. b
20. Which of the following describes best the measure of time one has lived?

a. Mental age
b. Chronological age
c. Actual age
d. Old age
Answer. b

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