Join Military Nursing Service – MNS 2021

Female defence aspirants who were waiting to join the Military Nursing Service can now apply for the MNS 2021 notification to join the 4 years B Sc....

Female defence aspirants who were waiting to join the Military Nursing Service can now apply for the MNS 2021 notification to join the 4 years B Sc. (Nursing) Course commencing in 2021 at the Colleges of Nursing of Armed Forces Medical Services.

MILITARY NURSING SERVICE MNS 2021 NOTIFICATION  The Indian Army has published the MNS 2021 notification today. Online Applications are invited from FEMALE CANDIDATES only for admission to 4 years B.Sc (Nursing) Course 2021. On successful completion of Nursing Training (4 years), the candidates will be granted Permanent / Short Service Commission in the Military Nursing Service, under the Terms and Conditions laid down for grant of such Commission. Candidates who are looking forward to joining the armed forces as a Military Nursing Service officer can apply for this entry. Here we are talking about some important details related to MNS 2021 notification.

The Official Notification of MNS Exam for Military Nursing Service B.Sc (NURSING) Course 2021 has been officially published. Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the MNS Exam 2021 exam from 17th Feb 2021 till 10th Mar 2021. Eligible applicants will be called for an objective type Computer Based Examination (CBE). MNS 2021 written exam is likely to be conducted in April 2021 across the nation.

Subsequent to passing the final year University examination for B Sc (Nursing) Course, the candidates will be offered Commission in the Military Nursing Service subject to medical fitness. The date of declaration of result from respective Universities will be the date of Commission for the candidates. The date of Commission determines the date of seniority in service among all candidates who have joined the Course in the same year. The tentative month of declaration of result of the existing six Colleges by the Universities is as given in the table below:

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Military Nursing Service Exam 2021 Important Dates

MNS Exam Important Dates 2021
Official NotificationFebruary 17th, 2021
Online ApplicationFebruary 17th, 2021
Last Date of Online ApplicationMarch 10th, 2021
MNS Written Exam Admit Card3rd Week of April 2021
MNS Written Exam DateApril 2021
MNS Written Exam ResultMay 2021
MNS Interview DateJune 2021
MNS Official NotificationDownload

Military Nursing Service Exam 2021 Age Limits

Age Limits: Date of Birth – Born between 01 Oct 1996 and 30 Sep 2004 (both days inclusive).

mns commisioning pop

Military Nursing Service Exam 2021 Eligibility Criteria

  • Female candidates who are unmarried / divorcee / legally separated / widow without encumbrances.
  • Nationality – Citizen of India
  • Date of Birth – Born between 01 Oct 1996 and 30 Sep 2004 (both days inclusive).
  • Educational Qualification – Candidates must have passed in the first attempt, Senior Secondary Examination (10+2) or equivalent (12 Years schooling) examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany & Zoology) and English with not less than 50% aggregate marks as a regular student from a Statutory/ Recognized Board/University/ Examination Body. Candidates who will be appearing for final year of qualifying examination during the current academic session may also apply provisionally.
  • Physical standards – Physical standards – Medical fitness will be determined as per standards applicable for Commission in the Armed Forces as amended from time to time. X-Ray examination of Chest and USG (of abdomen & pelvis) will be done. Minimum height required for entry into Armed Forces for female candidates is 152 cm. Gorkhas and candidates belonging to North Eastern region of India, Garhwal and Kumaon will be accepted with a minimum height of 148 cm. Details of medical standards can be seen in the Indian Army websites

Military Nursing Service Exam 2021 Selection Procedure

(a) Computer Based Examination (CBE)

  • Eligible applicants will be called for an objective type Computer Based Examination (CBE) of 150 marks for 90 minutes duration likely to be held in Apr 2021.
  • Candidates are given 90 minutes time to complete 150 questions for an objective type Computer Based Examination (CBE) covering the subjects General English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and General Intelligence.
  • On the basis of Computer Based Examination (CBE) merit, candidates will be called for an interview during June 2021.
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(b) Interview & Medical Examination:

Merit listed candidates of Online Computer Based Examination will appear for interview & medical examination in the month of June 2021 at selected centres. The interview has a maximum weightage of 100 marks. Candidates declared FIT/UNFIT in medical examination will be informed about their medical status, including the procedure of requesting for APPEAL/REVIEW MEDICAL BOARD by the President of the Selection Medical Board (SMB).

(c) Reservation of seats:

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(d) Final Selection:

Final selection will be based on the combined merit of Online Computer Based Examination & Interview, subject to medical fitness of the candidate, choice & vacancy in each College.

Test Centres

The candidates are required to choose the examination centre from the list of centres provided while filling the online application form. Allotment of centers wil be on “first apply-first allot” basis. If the number of candidates is inadequate/more than the capacity of a centre, the candidates opting for that centre will be allotted any other centre as per the administrative feasibility. No correspondence/ requests regarding change of centre from any candidate will be accepted

Military Nursing Service Exam 2021 Syllabus

General English

Synonyms/ Homonyms.
Spot the error.
Fill in the blanks.
Detecting Mis-spelt words.
Idioms and phrases.
One word substitutions.
Shuffling of sentence parts.
Shuffling of Sentences in a passage.
Cloze passage.
Comprehension passage.
Biology Taxonomy.
Cell and Molecular Biology.
Genetics and evolution.
Human health and diseases.
Plant physiology.
Human physiology.
Biotechnology and its applications.
Biodiversity, ecology and environment.
Physics Laws of Motion & Work, Energy and Power.
Properties of Matter.
Current Electricity.
Magnetic Effects of Electric Current.
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current.
Dual Nature of Radiation and Atomic Physics.
Nuclear Physics.
Semiconductor Devices and their Applications.
Chemistry Atomic Structure.
p,d and f – Block Elements.
Coordination Chemistry and Solid State Chemistry.
Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium and Chemical Kinetics.
Isomerism in Organic Compounds.
Alcohols and Ethers.
Carbonyl Compounds.
Carboxylic Acids and their derivatives.
Organic Nitrogen Compounds and Biomolecules.
General Intelligence General Studies.
Current Affairs.
Number Series.
Space Visualization.
Decision Making.
Problem Solving.
Similarities and Differences.
Figure Classification.
Visual Memory.
Relationship Concepts.
Non-Verbal Series.
Arithmetical Computation.
Analytical Functions etc.

HOW TO APPLY: Detailed instructions and information are available on the website

Applications are invited from FEMALE CANDIDATES only for admission to 4 years B.Sc (Nursing) Course 2021. On successful completion of Nursing Training (4 years), the candidates will be granted Permanent / Short Service Commission in the Military Nursing Service, under the Terms and Conditions laid down for grant of such Commission.

Q.1. Who can apply for MNS 2021?

Candidates with a Candidates must have passed in the first attempt, Senior Secondary Examination (10+2) or equivalent (12 Years schooling) examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany & Zoology) and English with not less than 50% aggregate marks as a regular student from a Statutory/ Recognized Board/ University/ Examination Body. Candidates who will be appearing for the final year of qualifying examination during the current academic session may also apply provisionally. can apply for MNS 2021 exam.

Q2. What is the syllabus of MNS exam?

The written examination comprises objective type Online Computer Based Examination of 90 minutes duration covering General English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and General Intelligence.

Q3. When MNS 2021 will be conducted?

It is likely to be conducted in April 2021

You can prepare for MNS Exam 2021 and other defence entrance exams such as CDS, AFCAT, CDS OTA, NDA, ACC, MNS, INET, and Airmen Group X and Y by taking Written Online courses as they will not only give you access to full-length quality lectures but will also provide the facility to take standardized mock tests for better study and strategic growth in the exam. You can take multiple quizzes after each lesson to ensure a full understanding of the subject along with creating your customized lesson plans. You can check out the course content along with other important specifics at SSBCrack exams.

You can also access them through the SSBCrack Exams app available in the google play store.

Jai Hind!

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SSBCrackExams is a premium online portal for Indian Defence aspirants, helping them to achieve their dreams of joining Indian Defence forces.

4 thoughts on “Join Military Nursing Service – MNS 2021”

    • Yes, But it is compulsory that you should passed 10+2 with Biology just in one attempt and your age shouldn’t over than the given age criteria and one another things, it’s only for girls…


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