List of 100 Synonyms and Antonyms for NDA CDS AFCAT and other Defence Exams

Hello Everyone. We have noticed that Synonyms and Antonyms play an important role in various examinations, especially in the defence exam where 20 questions are...

Hello Everyone. We have noticed that Synonyms and Antonyms play an important role in various examinations, especially in the defence exam where 20 questions are asked directly in the NDA Exam and CDSE Exam and 5 in the AFCAT Exam.

In this article, we shall learn about the 100 most important words out of which most will come in your future examinations.

100 list of synonym and antonym for nda cds afcat and other defence

The most frequently asked questions for the next NDA, CDS, AFCAT, and other defence exams were condensed into a list of 100 synonyms and antonyms. Additionally, you can study the terms from these questions, retain them in your memory, and use them to prepare for the English Synonyms and Antonyms segment of other defence competitive exams.

List of 100 Synonyms and Antonyms

AbjectDespicable, servileCommendable, Praiseworthy
AbjureForsake, renounceApprove, Sanction
AbortiveVain, unproductiveProductive
AbsolvePardon, forgiveCompel, Accuse
AccordAgreement, harmonyDiscord
BenignFavourable, friendlyMalignant, Cruel
BleakAustere, BlankBright, Cheerful
BluntDull, InsensitiveKeen, Sharp
BoisterousClamorous, rowdyPlacid, Calm
Ceaseterminate, desistBegin, Originate
Chastevirtuous, pureSullied, Lustful
Chastisepunish, admonishCheer, encourage
Compassionkindness, sympathyCruelty, Barbarity
Compriseinclude, containReject, lack
Defrayspend, payDisclaim, Repudiate
Deliberatecautious, intentionalRash, Sudden
DemolishRuin, devastateRepair, construct
Deprivedespoil, divestRestore, Renew
Deridemock, tauntInspire, Encourage
DerogatorySarcastic, criticalLaudatory, appreciative
DespairDepression, miseryContentment, Hope
DestructiveCatastrophic, perniciousCreative, Constructive
Eccentricstrange, abnormalNatural, Conventional
Ecstasydelight, exultationDespair, Calamity
Effacedestroy, obliterateRetain, Maintain
Eloquenceexpression, fluencyHalting, Stammering
Encumbrancehindrance, obstacleIncentive, stimulant
Endeavourundertake, aspireCease, quit
Enormouscolossal, mammothDiminutive, negligible
Epitomeprecise, exampleIncrement, expansion
Fanaticalnarrow-minded, biasedLiberal, Tolerant
Feebleweak, frailStrong, Robust
Ferociouscruel, fierceGentle, Sympathetic
Feudstrife, quarrelHarmony, fraternity
Fluctuatedeflect, vacillateStabilize, resolve
Forsakedesert, renounceHold, maintain
Fragileweak, infirmEnduring, Tough
Grislydisgusting, atrociousPleasing, attractive
Grudgehatred, aversionBenevolence, Affection
Guilecunning, deceitHonesty, frankness
GenerosityAltruism, bountyStinginess, greed
Hereticnon-conformist, secularistConformable, religious
Hideousfrightful, shockingAttractive, alluring
HamstrungCripple DebilitateStrengthen, Encourage
HastyAbrupt, ImpetuousLeisurely, Cautious
HonorAdoration, ReverenceDenunciation, Shame
ImpenitentUncontrite, ObdurateRepentant
ImpulsiveFlaky, ImpetuousCautious, Deliberate
IndigentDestitute, ImpoverishedRich, Affluent
InfernalDamned, AccursedHeavenly,
InsipidTedious, ProsaicPleasing, appetizing
Impedimenthurdle, obstructionAssistant, Concurrence
Impiousirreligious, unholyPious, Devout
Imputeattribute, ascribeExculpate, support
Invincibleunconquerable, impregnableEffeminate, languid
Irrepressibleirresistible, unconfinedComposed, hesitant
ImmaculateExquisite, ImpeccableDefiled, Tarnished
Jadedtired, exhaustedRenewed, recreated
Jejunedull, boringInteresting, exciting
Jovialfrolicsome, cheerfulSolemn, morose
Juvenileyoung, tenderDotage, antiquated
Keensharp, poignantVapid, insipid
Kindredrelation, speciesUnrelated, dissimilar
Knavedishonest, scoundrelParagon, innocent
KnellDeath knell, last blowReconstruction, rediscovery
Knottycomplicated difficultSimple, manageable
Liberalmagnanimous, generousStingy, malicious
Lingerloiter, prolongHasten, quicken
Lucidsound, rationalObscure, hidden
Lunacydelusion, insanityNormalcy, sanity
Lusciouspalatable, deliciousUnsavoury, tart
Luxuriantprofuse, abundantScanty, meagre
LanguidSluggish, apatheticEnergetic, spirited
MaliceVengefulness, grudgeGoodwill, Kindness
Molestharass, teaseConsole, soothe
Mollifyappease, assuageIrritate, infuriate
Momentousnotable, eventfulTrivial, insignificant
Monotonousirksome, tediousVaried, pleasant
MorbidNasty, MacabreHealthy, Cheerful
Niggardlymiser, covetousGenerous, profuse
Nimbleprompt, briskSluggish, languid
Nonchalant                          indifferent, negligentAttentive, considerate
ObscureArcane, VagueProminent
ObstinateStubborn, AdamantPliable, flexible
PerturbedFlustered, anxiousCalm
RemnantResidue, pieceEntire, whole
ResentmentDispleasure, wrathContent, Cheer
SublimeMagnificent, eminentRidiculous
SuccinctConcise, TerseLengthy, polite
SubterfugeDeceit, StratagemFrankness, Openness
TaciturnReserved, silentTalkative, extrovert
TediousWearisome. IrksomeExhilarating, lively
UncouthAwkward, ungracefulElegant, Compensate
UrchinFoundling, OrphanCreep, Knave
ValorBravery, prowessFear, cowardice
WileTrickery, ArtificeNaivety, honor
Yearnlanguish, craveContent, satisfy
Zenithsummit, apexNadir, base

Also Read: 500+ Most Commonly Asked Idioms & Phrases For NDA CDS AFCAT Exam

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