9 Myths That Are Encountered While You Are At Your SSB Centre

Every defence aspirant’s dream is to get recommended in the Services Selection Board. The pathways of getting to this SSB might be many. You might...


Every defence aspirant’s dream is to get recommended in the Services Selection Board. The pathways of getting to this SSB might be many. You might be coming through NDA or AFCAT or CDS or NCC Special Entry or University Entry Scheme or Technical Entry Scheme or whatever, you must finally end up at any one of the SSB centres. Moreover, the feeling of responsibility that you gain when you get your first SSB Call Letter is just unimaginable.


True that before you get to SSB, you will surf through many of the websites and innumerable YouTube videos and blogs and essays and what not! And surprisingly, if you observe, the more you gain information about the process, the more fear grabs your mind. But don’t you think that it must happen the opposite? You search for more information to get confident about the process of selection and to make yourself more fit enough in all respects. But in turn, you end up gaining lot of knowledge, also unfortunately coupled with some sort of fear that you don’t describe. More crippling factor is, those candidates who might lack some confidence, will, in turn, turn out to gradually lose interest and gain more inferiority in thoughts. Why is this so?

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We, at SSBCrack have been monitoring and giving you a constant course of advices and indomitable content. It becomes our responsibility to connect you to us not only through brain but also through heart. Sit with this article. It’s not too long but it will definitely change your look at SSB when put into practice. Reading this will not let you recommend but reading and putting a whole new extra effort might help.

Here are some of the most told, untold and spread myths while you are at your SSB.

Internal Myth #1: I wish I had a good physique like him/her.

You might have seen ‘n’ number of candidates with really good physical fitness than you. Admiring their physique is really appreciable but comparing it with yours is not. Let us say I and you have two different computers. Both have the same processor, are of same brand and all other features are exactly same. We started using them on the same day. But unfortunately, one day, your system crashed. Now whom do you blame for it? Probably two – one is yourself (if you were not properly using it) and the other is the manufacturer. Can you blame me? No, right!

World’s most sophisticated system is our human body. It is the only thing in the world that you own completely. If your own body doesn’t listen to you, or if your own mind doesn’t listen to you, then that is a serious disaster. Let us say you believe God (or mother) manufactured (take this in biological sense) your body. Can you blame God or your mom for defects in your body? Can you blame some other person of being an indirect way of you losing confidence on your body? Absolutely no. Building bulk and hefty muscles is not a compulsion to get into the forces. You must have a body “that says YES to you”. Love your body first and understand what it needs. Take care of it. The result will come for sure.

Internal Myth #2: I don’t know how to speak so good English like him/her.

Often you see many people with exceptional communication skills. And trust me, while they are using jargons, they look like French and Italian. Some female candidates speak so fluently that the viewers feel that they are listening to an English news on a television. Advent of new systems and methodologies in the learning procedures has made our generation good at few things. On one hand, the rich are getting good knowledge and on the other, the poor are still facing discrimination. More paining factor is, most of the cases, they create many sorts of discriminative strategies all in their own mind. One of these, is this. Agreed that good vocabulary will attract good impression, but this is not “all” of SSB. Do not forget that there are even those candidates who were recommended who knew very little of the language. Remember, I did not say you that having less English communication is okay. All I said is that you need to work upon consciously. Language is a means to link people. Not a division.

Internal Myth #3: I am not as good in General Knowledge as he/she is.

Understand this well and good. No matter how deep you dig into general knowledge, you will never find the end of it. The trick is not about having “how much” of it. The trick is to have “how good” of it. This simply means to study what is necessary, what is required. Do not go deep, just understand it. Long ago, a candidate was asked in an interview whether he reads newspaper or not. He answered “Yes sir” with a smile. And the officer simply asked. “Gentleman, did you ever hear about the term CAATSA?”. And the candidate vaguely said, “It is something which is enacted by USA sir.” To which the officer asked, “Can you be more specific? Has it got anything to do with our country?”. And after that, the candidate had no answer. Well the officer obviously did not stop with just one question. But the candidate gave vague replies continuously. Trust me, 90% of the first attempt SSB interviews fail because of not having sufficient knowledge of the events going around. People sleeping with you at SSB might be a former Civil Services aspirant or a great lecturer or tutor or graduate from an IIT or any other reputed organisation; none of these will become a matter for getting selected into the armed forces. They need a fauji. If you have any little of it, trust yourself that there are high chances of you getting recommended.

Internal Myth #4: I think I need to go for XYZ Coaching Academy. Only then I will get recommended.

True that there are really marvellous coaching academies out there that give you outlook to all the procedures at SSB. But you should not forget that there are even fraud and fake people. These days, I have even seen people who send WhatsApp forwarded messages to call to them and avail training of how to crack SSB. And when I checked the genuineness of the message and its sender, I found out that he was a former faculty in a reputed organisation but was kicked out later. And there are hundred different such stories. Like IITs and Medical courses, unfortunately, the fraudsters’ eyes are on defence aspirants too. Where to believe, what to believe, when to believe, etc. have been questions asked by many. So, I’ll make it simple for you. Listen to your heart. Do you think you can speak good English in front of ten people without fear and stammering? Are you aware of public speaking? Are you acquainted and are regularly practicing a regime of maintaining physical fitness? Are you a vivid reader? Are your sources of information and the way you study things are challenging to you? If the answers to anyone of these questions is NO, then you choose an academy. Don’t choose a street side, phone caller, online video lectures etc. as sort to help out in your preparation. If you choose to get trained, then GO get trained. GO and stay in their residence for few days and learn the ways of defence discipline. Once you get to know, then you can proceed. Remember, it all depends on you. If you think your preparation itself is enough, then just be it. Don’t let some other’s mind rule yours.   

External Myth #1: A GTO is the toughest part of SSB

Nope. If you are not enjoying this, you lack confidence. It’s simple. The GTO will obviously grill you, test you, put you into more difficulties, for that is his only job. Only then will he get to know the level of your responses at times of stress. As a famous defence author says – “No loss of integrity during stress is equal to gain of opportunities during war”. The key here is simple, trust that you do good.

External Myth #2: I am not selected in last SSB because of my poor performance in Psychological tests.

Unless you miss writing a story in TAT or miss writing many words in WAT or attempted very less situations in SRT, you are not supposed to give this as an excuse in front of a Defence Officer in your next SSB. Despite knowing the fact that you don’t even know a thing about the Psych tests, how do you comment about your performance in it? You can say that you did good in something when you know “what is that ‘good’ in that ‘something’.” Now you tell me, what is ‘good’ in Psych tests? No one knows. So, this part of your SSB is something that you should always stop worrying about once you have finished it. Give your best answers using every single imaginative neuron of your head. Once the Psych test is done, just be happy. No one knows what comes out of it and in what way. ?

External Myth #3: Last time it happened like this, now it might….

You might have heard about number of stories from the repeaters. They say “I have come here for the ‘nth’ time and I very well know this place. This sir is cool. This sir is dangerous. This sir can give us right tips. Do this. Do that. Eat this. Eat that….” And this list never ends. If you follow such people, you don’t become an officer, you probably end up being a sheep. And no shepherd will come for your rescue. Remember that! Take what is necessary.

External Myth #4: SSB is very hard to crack (OR) SSB is very easy to crack.

There are many people out there who say this daily. The one who says SSB is hard to crack has ‘self-trust’ issues and the one who says SSB is very easy to crack might be one among two categories – one that he is the perfect personality to get into the Forces (rare commodity) and the other is that he/she developed an over confidence over it or has developed an escapist strategy towards it. Both will not help. My personal suggestion to you is to not look SSB as hard or easy or whatever. Look SSB as SSB only. Learn and get to know what do they need and try to cultivate them in yourself.

External Myth #5: Everybody is selfish, all come for their own recommendation.

Don’t have this sort of attitude. Think in this way – “I want most of us to get recommended. I want us to run that 100 km run in IMA with you people.” Just imagine how beautiful it looks when your SSB mates become your lifetime mates in Fauji life where you celebrate happiness! Think positive. Don’t think “I have to crack this.” Think “We will crack this”. And this significantly doesn’t mean that you sacrifice your chances to others. This means to utilize all your chances available and to contribute to others in them identifying their opportunities. Be useful, not available.

Joy is not an achievement. It should be the natural ambience of your life.

I will contribute more short writings here. Trust SSBCrack as you have been doing since ages. All will come, unless you choose to.

“Living itself is reason enough to celebrate!” – Sadguru.  .

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Picture of Hemanth Kasturi

Hemanth Kasturi

General Studies Tutor at SSBCrackExams, Graduate in Aeronautical Engineering, Cleared NDA, CDS, INET, AFCAT exams.

4 thoughts on “9 Myths That Are Encountered While You Are At Your SSB Centre”

  1. It really helps! !!
    Ssb Crack will and always be my guide!
    Thanks alot sir for your kind help.
    May God bless you!


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