15 Personal Details Every Aspirant Must Know To Face SSB Personal Interview

Personal Interview in the SSB Interview is the most important assessment. This is because it gives you a chance to interact and present your personality...

Personal Interview in the SSB Interview is the most important assessment. This is because it gives you a chance to interact and present your personality in front of an officer. The interview can increase your chance of getting selected. The officer taking an interview is a high-rank officer and his opinion in your selection matters a lot. Members of the board of interview constitute a group of competent, impartial observers particularly qualified to judge the suitability of a candidate for the particular job for which he is being considered.

But the aim of the interview is not judging the candidates’ professional or academic knowledge or competence that is done through other types of tests. Some of the areas which the interview and personality test are meant to explore are the general impression which the appearance and bearing of the candidate convey, mental alertness and grasp, capacity and ability to think clearly, powers of judgement, general social outlook, and ability to anticipate and improve among many other qualities.

What are the purpose of the interview and the personality test? What are members of the board of interview looking for when they are having a chat with young hopeful? Obviously, they are there to have a close look at the candidate and to whether he would fit himself into the mould in which he offers himself to be cast. They are there to select persons whose breeding and education have endowed them with the physical and mental qualities that may be needed in good administrator. In the process, they have to weed out those who betray personality traits which may come in the way of their being able to fulfil any of the multifarious roles which a public servant may be called upon to fulfil in the welfare state that is India today.

Let’s have a look at some of the personal details every aspirant must know to face the SSB personal interview:

1. The first and foremost thing that many candidates doing wrong is not remembering their Roll no. whether it’s CDSE or else. Write it down and memorise it correctly as it is required to be shout by the candidate many times.

2. Chest number, batch number and Selection board number allotted to you should be noted down immediately as you will be requiring using them again and again.

3. The candidate should remember and be aware of cities of maximum residence, permanent address and current address along with their population.

4. Basic personal information related to your family members such as their age, education, income and occupation.

5. Self-knowledge about schooling and college education, their respective board affiliations and any outstanding achievement during that tenure must be stated by the candidate.

6. Your exact age in years and months, height and weight in CMs and KGs respectively.

7. Present occupation of the candidate, if any and its respective salary in rupees. You can write down about any part-time job that you are doing too such as home tutor, content creator or any other work through that you generate an income.

8. All the details pertaining to the NCC, if any.

9. Your participation in sports, duration during which you participated, representation level (school or college, district, national etc.), and outstanding achievements related to them (In chronological order based on your priority and most recent time).

10. Hobbies and interests that you pursue in your spare time should be stated correctly.

11. Participation in extracurricular activities in school or college, its duration and achievements (In chronological order based on your priority and most recent time).

12. Position of responsibilities that you held in your school or college such as house captain, sports team captain, NCC rank etc.

13. You must be aware of the nature of the commission that you have opted for the particular entry such as Short Service Commission or Permanent Commission.

14. You must know for the arm that you have applied for such as Army, Navy or Airforce.

15. The last column expects the candidates to fill the details regarding their previous SSBs If any. They must fill the type of entry, place and SSB No., the date on which they attended SSBs, batch and chest no of that entry, and the outcome of that SSB.

16. Remember, it is very important to be aware of all of this information as they will be required to be filled down by the candidate and you can’t afford to be confused about them at that time.

17. There should be absolute clarity regarding above-mentioned things and one should prepare and verify this information before filling them in the PIQ form.

You can prepare for SSB interview and defence entrance exams such as NDA, AFCAT, INET, and CDS by taking Written Online courses as they will not only give you access to full-length quality lectures but will also provide the facility to take standardized mock tests for better study and strategic growth in the exam. You can take multiple quizzes after each lesson to ensure the full understanding of the subject along with creating your customized lesson plans. You can check out the course content along with other important specifics at SSBCrack exams.

You can also access them through the SSBCrack Exams app available in the google play store.

Jai Hind

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