Satnus Conducts Flight Tests for Next Generation Weapons System Remote Carriers in Spain

In a significant advancement for the Next Generation Weapons System/Future Combat Air System (NGWS/FCAS), the Spanish joint venture known as Satnus has successfully conducted a...

Satnus Conducts Flight Tests for Next Generation Weapons System Remote Carriers in Spain

In a significant advancement for the Next Generation Weapons System/Future Combat Air System (NGWS/FCAS), the Spanish joint venture known as Satnus has successfully conducted a flight test campaign focused on remote-controlled drone demonstrators. This two-week initiative took place in Huelva, Spain, and was primarily centered on technology maturation for remote carriers designed to operate in tandem with manned aircraft within the NGWS/FCAS framework.

The campaign featured a series of validation flights involving the Manned-Unmanned Teaming & Common Systems Demonstrator (MCSD), a modified target drone specifically adapted for the trials. According to Satnus, extensive modifications were made to both the target drone and its ground control systems during this rigorous testing phase. The modifications included enhancements at a structural level alongside critical updates to remote control, communications, and Flight Termination System (FTS) subsystems. Furthermore, various payloads were successfully validated throughout the tests.

Significantly, the flight tests also marked the evaluation of the first version of the Demo Information Management (DIM) system and a prototype of the Command and Control (C2) system, both deployed on the ground. These systems are crucial for ensuring coordinated operations between the unmanned and manned platforms. The tests not only assessed individual components but also laid the groundwork for future collaborative flights involving multiple MCSD platforms.

Satnus, a joint venture formed by GMV, Sener Aeroespacial, and Tecnobit-Grupo Oesía, is spearheading the technology “pillar” dedicated to remote carriers for the NGWS/FCAS program. The NGWS initiative aims to integrate swarming drones and remote carriers that work alongside a sixth-generation manned aircraft, which is expected to eventually replace aging platforms such as the French Rafale and the multinational Eurofighter Typhoon.

A key aspect of this multi-domain operation is the interconnectivity between the various platforms. They will be linked through a sophisticated data cloud dubbed the “Combat Cloud,” allowing them to function collectively as sensors, effectors, and command and control nodes. This innovative approach is designed to enhance decision-making processes and operational effectiveness in complex combat scenarios.

Looking ahead, Satnus is focused on maturing these technologies and mitigating developmental risks, with a pivotal preliminary design review scheduled for 2026. The successful flight test campaign represents a crucial step in realizing the ambitious objectives of the NGWS/FCAS program, positioning Europe at the forefront of next-generation military aviation capabilities.

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