SSB Group Discussion topics 2015

What is Group Discussion (GD) in SSB interview During 5 day process of Service Selection Board SSB interview on day 3 and 4, nine GTO...

What is Group Discussion (GD) in SSB interview

During 5 day process of Service Selection Board SSB interview on day 3 and 4, nine GTO tasks are conducted as test to check the candidate’s performance as an individual and as a team player. These nine tasks are

  1. Group Discussion (GD)
  2. GPE or MPE group/military planning exercise:-
  3. Progressive group task (PGT)
  4. Snake race
  5. Lecturette
  6. Half group task(HGT)
  7. Individual obstacles
  8. Command task
  9. Final Group Task (FGT)

Group tasks are conducted under the supervision of Group Testing Officer (GTO), the first task among these tasks is Group Discussion (GD), in this the group is provided with ssb gd topics and they candidates have to undergo in an informal friendly discussion based on the ssb gd topics.

Unlike the group discussion on first day under screening test here candidates don’t need to come on a common conclusion, based on the candidate’s personal thoughts about given ssb gd topics he/she is free to present disagreement till the end of discussion. Here candidates in the group are free to present their views either formally or informally. The most important thing that is noticed by GTO that every candidates are taking part in discussion actively and commenting something that is related with given ssb gd topics.

What is the procedure of (GD) Group Discussion in SSB GTO task

  • All the ssb gd topics are given by GTO, there are two rounds of GD conducted by GTO for each group of candidates.
  • To conduct the discussion candidates are asked to sit in a round table manner as per the sequence of their chest numbers.
  • During First Round of GD, GTO provide 2 ssb gd topics out of which one of the topic is selected by the group for discussion. Time given for the selection of topic is 30 seconds.
  • Unanimous consent is required while selecting the topic, group have to select one topic among the 2 ssb gd topics on which each candidates gives his/her agreement.
  • Quick selection or choice making on one of the ssb gd topics gives a positive impression to the GTO.
  • Once the topic is selected, GTO will repeat the topic i.e. selected from the ssb gd topics and the group discussion will start and continue for approximately 15 Minutes.
  • Once the time of discussion allotted is over GTO will halt the discussion whether the group came to a conclusion or not by saying “Well done gentleman” or “It was a nice discussion”.
  • Straight away Second Round of GD will start too. Preferably no seating arrangement is alter during round 2.
  • As the GD 1 is over GTO will give a topic of his choice from the list of ssb gd topics to the group for the discussion.
  • Again the group will discuss the ssb gd topic for approx 15 Minutes and as stated earlier no conclusion is required as it is simply a discussion.

List of SSB SSB Group Discussion topics 2015

SSB Group Discussion Topics 2015

Below given are few important SSB Group Discussion topics 2015 which are most likely to be considered in ssb gd topics for upcoming ssb interviews of 2015.

  1. Causes of this growth in unemployment?
  2. How defense expenditure can be reduced?
  3. Public violence in our societies caused by various issues. Who is responsible for this outrage?
  4. Bifurcation of States in India will lead too.
  5. Inflation affects prices of basic commodities
  6. How Indo-Pak relations can be improved?
  7. How China insurgency in Indian Ocean threatens India?
  8. Foreign defense acquisition vs Indigenous defense manufacturing
  9. Modernization of Indian Army
  10. Why value of rupee is falling?
  11. How to reduce Naxalite–Maoist insurgency?
  12. How the relation between US-India is going to turn based on the tour of Barack Obama?
  13. How PM Narendra Modi government is going to affect the Indian economy?
  14. What steps should be taken to retrieve Black money back in country?

Tips to prepare for SSB Group Discussion topics 2015

  • Be an active listener in social network, it helps in gathering information.
  • Should have basic knowledge of current event happening around; use social networking sites to see trending news.
  • Be an active communicator it’s all about listening, speaking at the appropriate time, using easy-to-understand English and expressing ideas in the group in as simple manner as possible.
  • Respect other candidate’s views on sb gd topics and analyze accordingly to reply.
  • Not having knowledge on ssb gd topics is not a big issue, candidate who doesn’t have any information may not be able start the discussion but this doesn’t mean his/her participation is over, all he/she needs to is listen what others are talking catch the keywords and present a general idea on those keyword.
  • To practice on ssb gd topics non verbally, a candidate can write essay on those topics, this will help in making a memory of these ssb gd topics and perform well when facing in reality.
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