Story of Brave Major Abhay Sharma 1 PARA SF

Captain Abhay Sharma, SM was deployed along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir for conduct of counter infiltration operations. In April 2018, Captain...

Major Abhay Sharma 1 PARA SF

Captain Abhay Sharma, SM was deployed along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir for conduct of counter infiltration operations. In April 2018, Captain Abhay Sharma, SM laid an ambush along the Line of Control. At 1310 hours, the party spotted movement of 10 hostiles carrying weapons and moving towards own post.

He quickly deployed his party at two locations, and at an opportune time he along with his buddy opened fire and neutralised two terrorists. Displaying exceptional battle craft, he provided cover fire enabling his buddy to disengage and move to safety. Thereafter, displaying exemplary leadership he crawled under support fire of his buddy and shot down another terrorist at close range. Captain Abhay Sharma, SM exhibited composure exceptional tactical acumen under heavy fire and resolute leadership and successfully executed the ambush and neutralized terrorists without any casualty to own troops.

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