All About Swathi Weapon Locating Radar

Hello Everyone. In this article, we will learn about SWATHI Weapon Locating Radar (WLR). Book Your SSB Interview Class Now – Click Here Enroll In...

Hello Everyone. In this article, we will learn about SWATHI Weapon Locating Radar (WLR).

All About Swathi Weapon Locating Radar

What is WLR (Weapon Locating Radar)?

A mobile artillery locating phased array radar created by India is the Weapon Locating Radar (WLR), sometimes referred to as Swathi. This counter-battery radar is intended to identify the point of origin for counter-battery fire by detecting and tracking incoming artillery and rocket fire.

The Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), a facility of the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), and Bharat Electronics Limited have collaboratively developed the WLR (BEL). Based on the DRDO designs, BEL created the subsystems, which were then given to LRDE for integration.

Also Read: List Of The Radar Systems Used By Indian Armed Forces

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How Does Swathi WLR Work?

Swathi Radar WLR

The WLR is intended to track and detect incoming rockets, mortar rounds, and artillery rounds, as well as to identify their launchers. In addition, it can track and monitor the trajectory of shots fired by friendly weapons and rectify fire directed against it.

Large calibre artillery rounds have a detection range of up to 30 km, and unguided rockets have a detection range of up to 40 km. The WLR can efficiently operate even in a high density fire environment, in difficult radar clutter and interference (jamming) situations thanks to the strong architecture of the radar array and algorithms. You can track up to 7 targets at once. The radar can monitor shots fired from behind or in the direction of the radar at all aspect angles, including low and high angles.

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All About Swathi WLR

The WLR is set up on a Tatra 8×8 truck base with wheels. Under licence, BEML manufactures the trucks in India. The WLR has all-weather capability, high mobility, and a quick reaction time. It is designed to operate in a high-density fire environment. The system has two vehicles in it, one for the principal sensor, processors, displays, and control unit, and another for the radar’s power source. Also available for remote presentation is the radar data.

The Radar can be stored safely between -40 and +70 °C and is made to work in severe settings with temperatures ranging from -20 to +55 °C. It has a maximum operating altitude of 16,000 feet (4,900 m).

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Swathi WLR Operators

Currently, the Indian Armed Forces and the Armenian Ground forces are using the WLR.

Swathi WLR Specifications

  1. Range:
  2.  > 81 mm mortars: 2–20 km
  3. > 105 mm guns: 2–30 km
  4. Unguided rockets: 4–40 km

2)   Targets tracking: 7 simultaneously (maximum)

3)   Firing angles: Both High & Low

4)   Aspect angles: 0–180°

Current Operation of Swathi WLR

Swathi Radar WLR mountain version
Swathi Radar WLR operation

The Indian Army accepted the WLR in June 2008 after conducting user testing in a “high density fire situation” with a lot of electronic noise. BEL is producing the 28 units that are on order. Many parts, including some commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) parts from the global market, will be purchased from the private sector. The WLR will eventually provide the 40–50 systems needed by the Army. For better operation and navigation over mountainous terrains, longer-range and more compact WLR models are among the improvements currently being planned and designed. On March 2, 2017, the WLR Swathi was formally delivered by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) to the Indian Army for entry into service.

Armenia had tested comparable systems provided by Russia and Poland, but they ultimately decided to go with the Indian system. The agreement calls for the delivery to Armenia of four SWATHI weapon finding radars made by Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL). India will provide four SWATHI weapon locating radars in accordance with the contract.

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Siddhant Sandhu

AIR-8 NCC SPL, Blogger at SSBCrackExams, Recommended from 19 SSB Allahabad, National Cyclist, Ex NCC SUO, Photography, Travelling, International Relations, Sports, Books.

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