Territorial Army 2021 Notification and Exam Date

Latest: Territorial Army 2021 Notification And Exam Date [OUT NOW] UPDATE: The Territorial Army notification 2020 for the civilian candidates will be delayed this year....


Latest: Territorial Army 2021 Notification And Exam Date [OUT NOW]

UPDATE: The Territorial Army notification 2020 for the civilian candidates will be delayed this year. SSBCrack is keeping an eye on the TA notification and once we have an update, we will update the aspirants through our website and social media platforms. Many aspirants are waiting for the Territorial Army 2020 notification and exam date for the civilian candidates. We are getting a lot of queries from the candidates about the Territorial Army 2020 notification date, exam date and eligibility. As we know the defence exams are getting postponed due to Coronavirus pandemic lockdown in the country, there is a chance that the Territorial army notification might get delayed if the lockdown extends. As we know the notification month for the Territorial Army notification is May – June and the TA exam is conducted in the month of July.

Indian army usually published the territorial army notification for the civilian candidates from May – June 2020 and the exam will be conducted in July 2020, but as we know, if the lockdown extends in the country the Territorial Army notification and exam will be delayed.

Territorial Army Eligibility

  • Nationality: Only citizen of India (male and female).
  • Age Limits: 18 to 42 years on the date of application.
  • Educational Qualifications: Graduate from recognized university.
  • Physical Standards: A candidate must be physically and medically fit in all respects.
  • Employment: Gainfully Employed.

Territorial Army Eligibility Criteria for Ex-Servicemen

  • Only the Ex-Service Officer can apply who are in the age group of 18 to 42 years can apply. Candidates must be a graduate and physically and mentally fit.
  • Serving member of the Regular Army/ Navy/ Air Force/ Police/ GREF/ Para Military and other forces are not eligible.

Territorial Army Exam Details

Exam nameTerritorial Army Officers
Conducted byTerritorial Army
Name of postsTerritorial Army (Non-Departmental) for Civilians and Ex-Servicemen
Exam categoryGraduation
Exam levelNational
Exam stagesCivilians: Screening (Written exam and interview), SSB, Medical Board for final selection
Ex-Servicemen: Interview only
Exam durationCivilians: 2 hours
Exam typeCivilians: Objective type
Official websitejointerritorialarmy.gov.in

Territorial Army Notification 2020

Territorial Army notification for civilian candidates will be published in May-June 2020. Civilian candidates will go through the Territorial Army written exam, PIB and SSB interview.

Territorial Army 2020 Dates

Candidates can check below Territorial Army dates related to the recruitment process.

Territorial Army Recruitment Dates for Civilians Candidates

EventsDates (For 2020)Remark
Notification TimeMay-June 2020Candidates can find the TA notification on the official website of the Territorial Army.
TA Exam DateJuly 2020The exam will be conducted offline across 17 cities. The exam will be objective type OMR based. 


TA Syllabus 2019

STANDARD: The standard of the papers in Elementary Mathematics will be a Matriculation level. The standard of papers in other subjects will approximately be such as may be expected of a graduate of an Indian university.

CANDIDATES TO ENSURE THEIR ELIGIBILITY FOR THE EXAMINATION: The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfil all eligibility conditions for admission to the Examination. Their admission at all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of Admission Certificate to the candidate will not imply that his candidature has been finally cleared by the competent authority.

  • TIME: Maximum time for each paper is 02 hrs and will be conducted in two sessions.
  • TYPE OF EXAM: Objective (OMR Answer Sheet will be used).
  • QUALIFYING MARKS: Minimum 40% marks in each part of the paper separately and overall average of 50%.
  • PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS:Candidates should note that there will be penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the Objective Type Question Papers.
  • FEE DETAILS: Candidates’ are required to pay a fee of Rs 200/- (Rupees two hundred only). Candidates should note that payment of examination fee can be made only through the modes prescribed at website. Payment of fee through any other mode is neither valid nor acceptable. Applications submitted without the prescribed fee/mode shall be summarily rejected. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.

HOW TO APPLY. Candidates are required to apply online by using the website www.jointerritorialarmy.gov.in.

EMBODIMENT FOR TRAINING: (a) One month basic training in the first year of commission. (b) Two months annual training camp every year including the first year. (c) Three months Post Commissioning training within first two years at IMA, Dehradun.

Territorial Army Selection [Step By Step]

Candidates’ are required to pay a fee of Rs 200/- (Rupees two hundred only). Candidates should note that payment of examination fee can be made only through the modes prescribed at website. Payment of fee through any other mode is neither valid nor acceptable. Applications submitted without the prescribed fee/mode shall be summarily rejected. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.


  • Territorial Army is part time concept with mandatory two months training in a year and does not provide full time career.
  • Serving in Territorial Army do not guarantee pension and the same is subject to embodied service as per organisational requirement.
  • Commission is granted in the rank of Lieutenant.
  • Pay and Allowances and privileges will be same as Regular Army Officers when embodied for training and military service.
  • Promotions upto Lt Col by time scale subject to fulfilling laid down criteria. Promotion to Colonel and Brigadier by selection.
  • Officers commissioned in Infantry TA may be called out for military service for longer duration depending on the requirement.

A candidate who qualifies in the written test of Preliminary Interview Board is required to bring the following documents in original along with self-attested copies at the time of Preliminary Interview Board:

  • Application Form IAF (TA)-9 (Revised) Part-2 to be downloaded from www.jointerritorialarmy.nic.in and fill it up in their own hand writing.
  • All educational qualification certificates (Matric onwards).
  • Latest physical fitness certificate from a registered MBBS Doctor.
  • Copy of Identity proof with photographs (Voter ID/PAN Card/Passport/Driving license etc).
  • Domicile/ Residential proof.
  • Certificate for proof of age (Matric/ Senior Secondary mark sheet and certificate for verification of date of birth).
  • Service certificate by candidates employed in Central Govt/ Union Territory/ State/Semi Govt/ Private Sector Authenticated by Head Office along with salary certificate and No Objection Certificate by the department as per format given below.
  • Self employed candidates are required to submit an Affidavit on Non-Judicial stamp paper of minimum value duly attested stating nature of employment and annual income along with photocopy of PAN card and self certified character certificate.
  • Candidates whose names vary in documents should submit copy of Gazette notification of India/ State showing the correct name or an affidavit duly supported by newspaper cuttings.
  • Latest income proof from the appropriate authority (i.e. Income Tax Revenue Department / Magistrate / Employer).
  • Copy of PAN Card.
  • Copy of Aadhar Card.
  • Copy of latest Income Tax Return (ITR) filed.
  • Employees of Railways are required to submit No Objection Certificate authenticated by Railway Board.
ssb interview books pack

How TA will check you are gainfully employed or not? : During your PIB interview, you need to submit the latest Income latest income proof from the appropriate authority and Income Tax Return documents, that will explain your monthly salary/income.

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8 thoughts on “Territorial Army 2021 Notification and Exam Date”

  1. Good Evening,

    Could you please advise that when the notification will release of Civilian candidates application form.

    Awaiting for your favourable response!!

    Thanking you!!

  2. Sir plz tell me when the notification of Territorial Army for the post of commissioned officer will be declared.

  3. Hey thank uh so much for the information , and what is gain fully employee ? There is any categeory or list of employment or organisation ?

  4. Very useful info.Document from private sector service certificate and NOC if not possible for the private sector employee only pay slip will do.


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