The World’s 15 Greatest Special Forces (Most Dangerous) 2024

We all admire the men and women who serve in the military, but there is another group that consistently outperforms them in dangerous situations. They...

We all admire the men and women who serve in the military, but there is another group that consistently outperforms them in dangerous situations. They eliminate the threat and enter a field that only the most daring would enter. The Special Forces have arrived.

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The Worlds 15 Greatest Special Forces Most Dangerous 2023

Also Read: 14 Best Special Forces Uniforms Around The World

Many international heroes are willing to give their lives for their countries and people. Whenever we hear the word Special Forces, we sense something different, that can remind us of PARA, MARCOS, and Garuds. Today let us learn about the best Special Forces in the world.

Special Naval Warfare Force, Spain

Spain’s Special Naval Warfare Force was formed in 2009 when the country combined various units of the Spanish Navy into a single combatant body. The Special Explosive Diffusers Unit, Special Combat Divers Unit, and the Special Operations Unit, which was its primary tactical precursor, comprise the force.

Spanish special firces

Combat search and rescue, ship boarding, combat diving, air and amphibious insertion, and maritime counter-terrorism were all responsibilities of the Special Operations Outfit. This elite unit continues to fight to this day. They have a long history of employing these tactics to combat pirates and rescue hostages. The men of Rana aided Operation Enduring Freedom in the Indian Ocean when they stormed a North Korean ship carrying SCUD missiles to Yemen in 2002. In 2011, they freed a French hostage held by Somali pirates.

EKO Cobra, Austria

The EKO Cobra, also known as the Einsatzkommando Cobra, was founded in 1978 and is a semi-autonomous organization under the jurisdiction of the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior.

Real EKO Cobra

In 1996, the EKO Cobra was the only special forces unit to conduct a hijacked airplane rescue while in the air, and it also took part in other hostage rescue operations. EKO Cobra battalions are organized entirely differently and are mostly used for Special Missions and Clandestine Operations in enemy territory, with the ability to work in very small teams of five or six commandos.

Joint Task Force 2 – Canada

Joint Task Force 2, or JTF 2, is Canada’s special operations unit, known for its secrecy. It was established in 1993 specifically for counter-terrorism operations both within and outside Canadian borders. JTF2 is also an expert in h*stage rescue and special reconnaissance. Despite its young age, the JTF 2 has participated in several high-profile operations in Haiti and Afghanistan. Their deployment to Afghanistan following the United States’ declaration of War on Terror in 2001 was so covert that even the Canadian Prime Minister was apparently unaware of their presence.


Polish GROM, Poland

GROM is an acronym that stands for Group for Operational Maneuvering Response. Grom, on the other hand, means “thunder” in Polish, which is more apt. It is a group related to the “Silent Unseen,” a group of Polish paratroopers forced into exile during World War II. Before entering occupied Poland to challenge the Nazis, 315 men—and one woman—trained in the United Kingdom for months.

polish grom

The GROM team was formed in 1990 as part of Operation Bridge, a campaign to help Soviet Jews enter Israel. According to intelligence reports, Hezbollah posed a significant threat in the area of operations. This information prompted the formation of a special anti-terrorism unit. It was kept a secret from the general public until 1994 when they deployed to Haiti as part of Operation Restore Democracy.

Snow Leopard Commando Unit, China

This is a People’s Republic of China special operations unit, formerly known as the Snow Wolf Commando Unit, named after the perseverance and toughness of arctic wolves, as well as their ability to live in hostile environments. They spent five years in secret training to handle counter-terrorism, riot control, anti-hijacking, and bomb disposal in preparation for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.

Snow leopard commando unit

They have trained alongside Russian special task force troops during cooperative anti-terror exercises with the sole goal of preserving peace and stability. The unit takes great pride in its members’ quickness and precision with a gun, strength and endurance, and self-sacrifice attitude.

Sayeret Matkal – Israel

The IDF’s Sayeret Matkal, or General Staff Reconnaissance Unit, is a special forces unit (Israel Defense Forces). It was formed in the aftermath of the infamous Qibya massacre and the subsequent dismissal of Unit-101, the IDF’s only dedicated special forces unit at the time, aside from the Navy’s Shayetet 13.

Israel special forces

Sayeret Matkal, Israel’s recon or intelligence-gathering unit, can operate deep behind enemy lines. It is also in charge of hostage rescue and anti-terrorist operations. Sayeret Matkal was solely responsible for domestic rescue missions prior to 1974, but it was relieved of its duties following the formation of Yammam, Israel’s National Counter Terrorism Unit.

Gruppo di intervento special (GIS), Italy

The Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (GIS), or Special Intervention Group, is the Italian Carabinieri’s special forces division. GIS was founded in 1978 as a police tactical unit by the Carabinieri, an armed forces division in charge of both military and civilian law enforcement. GIS, in addition to its role as a tactical police unit, took on a special operations mission in 2004 and evolved into a special forces unit, joining the Comando Internazionale per le Operazioni delle Forze Speciali (COFS). The Guardia di Finanza’s Antiterrorism Pronto Impiego (ATPI) and the Polizia di Stato’s Nucleo Operativo Centrale di Sicurezza are the other two tactical police groups in Italy (NOCS).

GIS Italy

Delta Force (1st SFOD-D) – USA

Delta Force has become synonymous with special forces in recent years. It has almost become a household name. But it wasn’t supposed to be this way. Delta Force, officially known as the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, is a covert special operations force formed to engage high-value targets and conduct counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, and recon operations.

Delta Force Operator in a Chinook 4x scaled 1920x1278 1

Alpha Group – Russia

What about ‘Spetsnaz,’ you may be wondering? You should be aware that Spetsnaz is a catch-all term for all Soviet/Russian special forces.

alpha group russia

The Soviet KGB established the Alpha Group, officially known as Directorate “A” of the FSB Special Purpose Center, in 1974 to carry out counter-terrorist operations and provide a security layer for the Soviet leadership. Alpha Group is currently under the jurisdiction of the Federal Security Service (FSB), Russia’s internal security agency. The Alpha Group’s operators are widely regarded as among the most aggressive in the world.

Navy SEALs – The United States

Navy SEALs, which stand for United States Navy Sea, Air, and Land Teams, were established in 1962 as a division of the Naval Special Warfare Command and the United States Special Operation Command. Although they can be traced back to World War II, the Vietnam War of 1961 saw the birth of the modern-day SEAL.

Navy seals

Special Air Service (SAS) – United Kingdom

The Special Air Service (SAS) is one of Britain’s oldest and possibly best special forces. It was established in 1941. The Special Air Service is divided into three units: the 22 SAS Regiment (the regular unit), the 21 SAS (Artists)(R), and the 23 SAS reserve units (reserves). There are four active squadrons in the 22 SAS regiment: A, B, D, and G. Each squadron has approximately 65 men divided into four troops. Each troop has its own headquarters section, which is led by a captain.


National Gendarmerie Intervention Group, France

Group D’ Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale is one of the world’s most combat-proven anti-terrorist groups. The French GIGN responds to terrorist threats or home invasions in the manner of a SWAT team or Delta Force. Both the adversary and the GIGN have evolved over time. Their goal is to arrive at the scene of an attack as quickly as possible and apprehend or eliminate the perpetrators before they cause further damage.



MARCOS is an abbreviation for Marine Commandos. Indian MARCOS is one of the world’s most lethal Special Forces. They are armed with the best assault guns, sniper rifles, and real-time battle equipment and are trained in HALO and HAHO.


They are trained primarily in the style of the US Navy SEALs, with additional instruction from the British SAS and required training at the CIJW (Guerrilla warfare) facility in Vairangte. The participants’ high level of enthusiasm and the fact that they receive emotional training in addition to physical training are two of the best aspects of their training program.

GARUDS (India)

The Garuds (Special Forces of the IAF) were formed in 2003 to provide the Indian Air Force with specific in-house role capabilities. Terrorists attempted to attack two major air bases in Jammu and Kashmir in 2001, prompting Indian Air Force commanders to create a specialized force trained in Special Forces techniques, Combat Search and Rescue, Reconnaissance, Counter Insurgency (COIN) Operations, and Emergency Response in response to terror-threats to airfields.


PARA Special Forces (PARA SF) India

The PARA SF is a Special Forces unit of the Indian Army’s Parachute Regiment that was created for Special Operations, Direct Actions, Hostage Rescue, Special Reconnaissance, Foreign Internal Defense, Counter-Proliferation, and Counter-Insurgency. A Parachute Regiment’s main goal is to quickly deploy Warriors behind enemy lines to attack the enemy from behind and destroy their first line of defence.


(SF) operates in assault teams that work independently behind enemy lines. The total strength of the Parachute Regiment is approximately 8,000-10,000 personnel, which includes one Rashtriya Rifles and two Territorial Army battalions, while the Para (SF) currently has between 5,000-6,000 personnel or possibly more. They must conceal their true identity from the general public.


Depending on where you go, special forces may mean something very different. In some countries, they are regarded as the best fighting force. Other countries, on the other hand, see them as forces with specific missions. Whatever the precise definition, the best warriors in the country are seeking recruitment into these forces. These are the most well-trained, mission-capable, and powerful units in the world. Because they are tasked with performing tasks related to unconventional warfare, their selection and training processes are more stringent than those of regular military soldiers.

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4 thoughts on “The World’s 15 Greatest Special Forces (Most Dangerous) 2024”

    Navy SEALs (United States)

    Specialize in counter-terrorism, reconnaissance, and direct action.
    Notable for their role in Operation Neptune Spear (killing of Osama bin Laden).
    SAS (Special Air Service) (United Kingdom)

    Known for counter-terrorism, reconnaissance, and special operations.
    Famous for the Iranian Embassy siege (1980) and various counter-terrorism missions.
    GIGN (Groupe d’Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale) (France)

    Specializes in hostage rescue, counter-terrorism, and tactical operations.
    Renowned for the rescue of hostages in Air France Flight 8969.
    Mossad’s Kidon Unit (Israel)

    Focuses on counter-terrorism, assassinations, and covert operations.
    Notable for its involvement in various high-profile operations and intelligence missions.
    KSK (Kommando Spezialkräfte) (Germany)

    Specializes in counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, and direct action.
    Known for its involvement in Operation Entebbe (collaborative effort).
    JTF2 (Joint Task Force 2) (Canada)

    Focuses on counter-terrorism and special operations.
    Recognized for its operations in various international conflicts and anti-terrorism efforts.
    SPETSNAZ (Russia)

    Specializes in counter-terrorism, reconnaissance, and special operations.
    Known for its various operations within and outside Russia, including high-risk missions.
    SBS (Special Boat Service) (United Kingdom)

    Focuses on maritime counter-terrorism, reconnaissance, and amphibious operations.
    Involved in numerous maritime operations and rescues.
    SG-1 (Singapore Armed Forces Special Operations Force) (Singapore)

    Specializes in counter-terrorism and special operations.
    Known for its effectiveness in regional counter-terrorism operations.
    Australian SASR (Special Air Service Regiment) (Australia)

    Focuses on counter-terrorism, reconnaissance, and special operations.
    Recognized for its role in various operations in the Middle East and beyond.

  2. World’s most powerful💪 and dangerous commando is MARCOS.(INDIA) 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


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