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The Honour Code – Indian Naval Academy

As a cadet of the Indian Naval Academy, I • Act with honesty, integrity and respect for others with the highest standards of moral and ethical values. • Do not...

As a cadet of the Indian Naval Academy, I

• Act with honesty, integrity and respect for others with the highest standards of moral and ethical values.

• Do not lie, cheat, steal or slander nor tolerate those who do.

• Do not engage in any activity that will unfairly improve my results or dishonestly improve or hurt the results of others in all aspects of training including academic work.

• Am bound to report any breach that comes to my attention.

• Do not countenance by inaction any honour violation; if were to, I become a party to such violation and find myself as guilty as the original violator.

• Have sworn to do the ‘Right Thing’, always, and live with Honour, Courage and Commitment.

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