As intelligent beings, all humans “dream” to properly manage every single situation they encounter in their lives but only a few of us are able to do it. We all envy an imaginary person or a candidate, who simultaneously prepares for written exams, has a good and stable campus placement job, is pursuing hobbies, exercises with infuriating regularity and refrains from wasting time and focusing only on SSB. It is doable as many have done it into the past and many are doing it currently and many will be doing it in the coming days. The only question that arises is how to enhance your personality in such a way to create a balance in all of these things?
Let’s discuss some ways through which aspirants can practice personality development on such a level that when they enter the centre premises, each and every testing procedure looks like just reiterating your daily life.
Have A Proactive Approach To Life
Proactivity requires being aware of your own mission and your own time. It means starting each day with purpose by taking control of what you do and when you do it. It means taking ownership of your own life and to behave responsibly for yourself and your family, to work for things to happen and not just daydreaming for the academy and to focus on what is essential.
As Lao Tzu said, “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become a habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”
Work On Your Overall Self
When we talk about this then it not only consists of internal factors such as thinking but primarily aspects such as facial expressions, body language and turnout. You should practice and have a good sense of power dressing and it contains many elements such as wearing good shoes, groomed hair and beard, maintaining teeth and nails, using good Deo and perfumes. The last one is having a way and pride of carrying yourself.
Follow Proper And Productive Lifestyle
A hungry and tired person will express weaker will power compared to a person who is well fed and in good health. To improve will power, we need the support of healthy eating, sleeping and exercise habits. To wake up early and finish your daily routine well within time should be the goal for the day as however tempting it may be to work in the extended hours of the night but they mess up your routine.
Define And Sort Out Goals And Ways To Achieve Them
Plans goals and actions for one day and one week and strive to attain them. Push yourself beyond your comfort zone of efforts as it makes you stagnate but do not overdo it by realizing your limits. Invest in yourself, reward yourself for little achievement or improvement that you show or when you achieve a goal, spend time efforts and resources for that. Lay a short term goal in order to fulfil a long term goal and prioritize your goals. Do something for your goal every day, divide the goals into milestone and divide tasks to achieve milestones. Also, write down your goal every day as it will bring discipline and focus to you. Set a deadline, identify resources and obstacles.
Practice Habits That Will Show Growth
Stop idle gossip and instead improve GK, fitness or a hobby. Open to new experiences and have good social connections by mingling with friends and society alike. Be proficient in whatever you are doing. Work shorter but in a smarter way. Keep away from the smartphone by deciding a daily limit for yourself. Play as many diverse sports as you can and have diverse interests. High achievers are persistent as they don’t give up and develop it. Be better than others every day and for that, you must work harder and smarter than anyone else, keep the competitive attitude i.e. best efforts.
“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
You shouldn’t be venturing out during these times when not only travelling activities but academic institutes are also closed. This is a great time to try new things that technology has brought at your steps such as Online Courses at SSBCrack Exams. Taking AFCAT Written Online courses will not only give you access to full-length quality lectures but will also provide the facility to take standardized mock tests for comparative study and growth.
You can take multiple quizzes after each lesson to ensure the full understanding of the subject along with creating your customized lesson plans. Practice with online quiz and test series at SSBCrack Exams is the best way to check your performance. Online test series and quiz will also help you increase your speed and this is very helpful in the real exam. To get good marks in the AFCAT 2018 examination, candidates will have to practice online more and more. You are advised to attempt more quizzes and mock tests regularly.
You can check out the course content along with other important specifics at SSBCrackExams. You can also access them through the SSBCrackExams app available in the google play store. Jai Hind
2 thoughts on “Tips To Enhance Personality Development For Defence Aspirants”
Please introduce some new topics for GD
please enter some topics for lecture