8 Ways To Develop Emotional Quotient For SSB Interview

Hello friends, it is indeed true that in today’s modern era there is a lot of stress on the individuals to perform. Everyone is slogging...

Hello friends, it is indeed true that in today’s modern era there is a lot of stress on the individuals to perform. Everyone is slogging it out to meet his objectives. In this course, we often forget the feelings of others and tend to lead selfish life.

8 Ways To Develop Emotional Quotient For SSB Interview

It is imperative that a man is as mentally healthy as he is physically. It is the mind which can do wonders. We all humans have the same sized brains but we all do not create history. When one lives in a society it is important that one takes care of the feelings and sentiments of others.

In the defense forces, an officer is required to keep his men motivated and buoyant all the time. A leader cannot afford his team to be disgruntled and dismayed. Hence, in the SSB interviews, the assessors also take a measure of your Emotional Quotient. Emotional Quotient is an important quality which an efficient leader must have. In this article, we will discuss the ways to develop an Emotional Quotient for life.

Also Read: Everything You Must Know About 15 OLQs And 4 Factors To Clear SSB Interview

1. Motivating Oneself: – Unless you yourself are not motivated and pumped up to perform your tasks, how can you motivate others. In the SSB Interview while doing Group Tasks the GTO takes a measure of your self- motivation. Hence, one has to be up for the challenge all the time.

2. Motivating Others: – It is not necessary that if you are motivated, people around you are also motivated. A leader must have the art to motivate his team members to get the desired results. It looks simple but motivating others is an arduous task. In the SSB interview as well there would be instances when your group is perplexed and is not able to find a way to go forward. At that point, this quality comes into play.

3. Empathizing With Others: – Yes, a leader must be bold and boisterous but he should never be stone hearted. Like you, your team members will also have certain emotional constraints. If anyone in your group has any type of inconvenience, it should not be ignored but addressed at the earliest. A leader is nothing without the support of his team members.

4. Admitting Mistakes: – If no one made any mistakes, the word SORRY would have been obliterated from the dictionaries. We humans unwittingly commit many mistakes. While most of us are adamant to prove ourselves right, A good leader must have the finesse to know when he is wrong and admit his mistake. His act will not only be appreciated but will also send a message among others that their leader is a responsible person. In the SSB interview as well, if you have committed a mistake, be bold enough to take responsibility for your action instead of passing the buck to someone else.

5. Mental Stamina: – There is no point in having a member in the defense forces who can run 15kms at a stretch but is poor in handling real life stressful situations. Every individual is faced with unforeseen circumstances; an efficient leader always shows grit to handle those situations. The SSB interview is all about handling stressful situations with dogged determination and nothing else.

6. Exemplary Sense Of Duty: – It looks simple, but the way we all are brought up to find an easy way out of every situation, it becomes difficult especially for an Indian to remain dutiful towards his organization all the time. A good leader must keep the needs of his organization at the topmost keel. If you set a good example your team members will follow suit. Being dutiful will not only fetch you the respect of your team members but also the organization.

7. An Efficient Team Member: – You must be equally efficient in leading your men (juniors) and getting led by your seniors. Defense system of leadership is solely based on this principle. Therefore, one cannot think that he is above the organization and do whatever he wants to. Even the General of the Indian Army is answerable to the Ministry of Defense. The SSB interviews test your ability to perform efficiently as a team member through a battery of tests.

8. Positive Attitude: – Many times it has been reiterated that one must have a positive attitude. This is indeed a reflection of how much important it is in life. In the SSBs you will be put through a lot of stressful and cumbersome situations. Keeping calm and maintaining a positive attitude is the best way to deal with those testing situations. Positivity comes from your inner self, if you do not exhibit positivity in your daily life, you cannot suddenly emerge as a positive person in the SSB interview. Friends, Emotional Quotient is all about understanding the feelings and apprehensions of others. Like you, all around you have different reaction mechanisms. Being positive and motivated is the best way to deal with various kinds of people.

With this, I take leave for today. I hope all the readers of our blog have relished this article. Please feel free to comment in the comment box below. Till then, stay merry stay mirthful. JAI HIND

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