What Is Command Task In GTO Task

Introduction: Whenever we talk about the SSB interview procedure, GTO tasks always bring a smile on everyone’s face. During the whole day five process the...


Introduction: Whenever we talk about the SSB interview procedure, GTO tasks always bring a smile on everyone’s face. During the whole day five process the GTO tasks are conducted on the third and fourth day where candidates get a chance to perform in a team. There are a total of nine tasks scheduled under it, and one of them is the command task.

Command Task

As the name is self-explanatory, “command task” in this, a candidate is made commander, and he/she has to command his subordinates to pursue a certain task. Command Task is conducted individually for each candidate. The GTO calls chest number randomly one by one from the group and starts with some general questions. Questions will be related to your life itself, so be careful while answering. Try to give the same answers to a particular question that you have said in the main Interview and do not go against your PIQ.

Though as in this task you need to command someone, GTO allows you to select your subordinates among your whole group. Most of the time candidates are allowed to choose two subordinates, but it may vary with every SSB. Before calling anyone keep in mind that why you are selecting him as the GTO might ask it.

The difficulty for the individual fully depends upon his/her performance in the previous tasks. If someone has shown good skills in the previous Tasks, then the chances are high that he will get a good Command Task and the same applies for vice versa. Now whenever somebody goes for the Command Task, He is surely appointed as one of these two either Commander or Subordinate. Both the roles are different, and candidates are advised to react and work differently in both. Below is the short description of both the roles and what these roles are expected to do in the Command Task:


  • When you are a commander, it’s your full responsibility to get the job done with the help of your subordinate.
  • Brief the tasks properly to the subordinates before starting it as it generates clarity in the plan and among the team.
  • Be as clear as you can with your words while commanding as it will help you to complete the task on time with more precision. If the communication problem occurs then the subordinates will not be able to follow up properly.
  • Though you are made commander here you need more to be a leader who also helps his subordinate instead of just ordering while sending apart.
  • Most of the time, try to solve the task by yourself, but if you are fully stuck somewhere, then it is advisable to ask for help from the subordinates.
  • GTO will continuously put pressure on you while commanding either in the name of time or by asking for different methods to solve the task, but the candidates need to be calm throughout the task.
  • Be a good visionary and think of different methods to solve the task. For this, you can also take help from previous tasks and use them here.


  • Be a good listener. Listen carefully to what is said by the commander and execute the same properly.
  • Do not try to be over-smart. Do not work more than you were told to do as GTO observes everything and this may give a wrong impression about you.

The task is designed to assess the personality of the candidates who are shy in front of the group or until now has not said much in the group. It also helps the GTO to look into someone’s personality who has been in the doubt case. More or less, it is great to perform Command Tasks.

Picture of Bashu Tiwari

Bashu Tiwari

Intern at SSBCrackExams. Recommended from 4 AFSB Varanasi and 19 SSB Allahabad NDA AIR-49. Secured all india rank 26,137 in JEE Mains and 18,000 in JEE advance.

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