Why do IAF personnel wear camouflage uniform?

We have seen various Indian Air Force personnel or any other Air Force personnel of the world in combat uniform, but we know that Air...

We have seen various Indian Air Force personnel or any other Air Force personnel of the world in combat uniform, but we know that Air Force is generally fighting the war in the sky and on the ground, it is the Army that takes care of the things. In this article let us learn the significance of wearing a combat uniform in the Indian Air Force.

Why does Indian Air Force personnel wear camouflage 1

What is a Camouflage that appears in the Combat Uniform?

The employment of camouflage by an armed force to conceal soldiers and equipment from enemy observation is known as military camouflage. In practice, this entails using color and materials on various types of military equipment, including vehicles, ships, aircraft, gun positions, and battledress, in order to either obscure it from view (crypsis) or make it appear to be something else (mimicry).

During World War I, when the idea of visual deception became a crucial component of contemporary military tactics, the French slang word camouflage entered popular English usage. Camouflage was widely used to lessen the risk of being targeted or to permit surprise throughout that conflict, while long-range artillery and aerial surveillance worked together to increase the field of fire. Consequently, military camouflage.

Also read: 10 Major Differences Between Indian Air Force New Combat Uniform Vs Old Uniform

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Why does IAF personnel wear a combat uniform?

Every action force on this Earth while having one-on-one combat needs a combat uniform.  Combat uniforms are camouflages that help the person to seek concealment from the terrorist or the invader. We can’t think of a person wearing a blue uniform fighting on the battlefield right?

The Indian Air Force possesses its own commando force which is the GARUD. They are mostly seen in combat uniforms because of their operational readiness. Learning from their past experiences IAF decided to build their own action force apart from the GARUD Commando force so that every individual in the Air Force can have experience in hand-to-hand combat.

garud commando

To cover all of its bases, the Air Force thought of building its own force. The IAF is building a fighting unit of its own men and women who are being trained in Punjab’s Bathinda region to combat such terror strikes in an effort to thwart any Pathankot-like assaults by Pakistani organizations.

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The first security training school (STS) of the Air Force is located in Bathinda and is tasked with providing 225 officers and air warriors with difficult Army-like training in each course so they can handle all types of contemporary weapons and easily repel a group of terrorists trying to attack airbases.

garud commando

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Siddhant Sandhu

AIR-8 NCC SPL, Blogger at SSBCrackExams, Recommended from 19 SSB Allahabad, National Cyclist, Ex NCC SUO, Photography, Travelling, International Relations, Sports, Books.

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