10 PPDT Pictures with Stories

Whenever we go for SSB on the first day before the screening, every candidate has to go through the PPDT test, which stands for Picture...

Whenever we go for SSB on the first day before the screening, every candidate has to go through the PPDT test, which stands for Picture Perception and Discussion Test. As it is a self-explanatory word, In this, a candidate needs to write a story based on a picture shown to him and later discuss it with other candidates.

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If you want to be good with your narration and discussion, you need to write a good and reliable story before that. So, this test is significant from the screening point of view. Though there could be many perceptions to a single picture, I will try to put some of mine in the ten pictures below : Download more PPDT pictures.

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Mohit was a 25-year-old school teacher in the Sitapur district. When Mohit was roaming in the market on the weekend, he saw a thief running after surprisingly snatching a lady’s necklace. Mohit seeing this ran after the thief. Within some minutes, Mohit caught the thief and overpowered him. Not only this, Mohit, with the help of nearby people, handed over the thief to the nearby police station. Later he gave the necklace back to the lady. Mohit also advised police to do regular patrolling in the area so that such activities could be reduced.



Krishna was 22 years old, and studied at Agriculture College Gwalior. When he went to his village during the vacations, he found that the farmers are still using ancient farming techniques. Seeing this, he wanted to help them. With the sarpanch’s help, he called a village meeting for farmers where he discussed the whole matter with them. He told and guided them about the new farming techniques like HYV seeds, natural fertilizers, and modern machinery. Not only this, but he also told them about government schemes like Kisan Credit Card, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, and many more, which could also help farmers to increase the productivity of their crops. After the meeting, all were happy, and the sarpanch raised Krishna’s work.



Vimal Gupta was appointed as the new library in charge of APS Gwalior. After joining, he noticed that the books in the library were off very old edition. He saw that the students were not using them properly as many of them were torned, and some were done dirty with the pen. This made him feel terrible, and he thought of solving the problem. Firstly with the help of students, Vimal gave new books suggestions to the school principal. Also, during the classes, he told students about the book’s importance and warned them not to write anything in the books again. Later, many new books came, and Vimal saw the increasing interest of students in the books and was happy.



Vijay was a third-year engineering student at MITS, Gwalior. He was also a keen athlete. One day he came to know about Vijay academy organizing a Health Run Marathon in the City. Vijay found this opportunity excellent and thought to take part in it. Vijay started practicing for it in the morning and started taking a proper diet. Not only this, but he also took help from YouTube about the techniques of running a marathon properly. On the day of the marathon, he also called his friends, and they all took part with full Josh and excitement in the marathon. Finally, Vijay bagged the first position in the marathon and got a prize for it.



Major Krishna was posted in the higher altitudes of Jammu and Kashmir. One day he got orders from senior officers to arrange a trekking activity with his team. Krishna was very excited about the opportunity. He called a meeting of his team and made a rough plan about the event. Krishna, with his team, decided the path and schedule of trekking. On the event’s day, Krishna distributed pieces of equipment like a map, compass, shoes, rope, sticks, and kit bag to all the team members. Later they all climbed the mountain with full Josh. The task was completed, and the seniors praised the whole team’s work.



Abhay was a BSC graduate who lived in a village of Bihar. As the rainy season prevailed, his village was flooded all around with water. However, the NDRF team was working, but he also thought of helping them with his friend. He gathered some of his friends and started small rescue operations with the NDRF team. Not only this, but he also worked at the relief camp and distributed food to the flood victims. He helped animals to reach areas of higher altitude. Later the condition was under control, and he was delighted doing the work.



Mridul was a 12th class biology student who lived in Jalandhar with his whole family. When he came back from coaching, he saw that his sister was crying lying on the bed. On inquiring, he found that his sister wants to pursue MBA, but the parents do not allow her to do the same. Instead, parents were planning the marriage of his sister. Mridul felt very sad listening to this. With his sister, he convinced his parents and told them about his sister’s dreams and goals. He also told them about the importance of education in the current world and women empowerment. He gave examples of Kalpana Chawla, Saina Nehwal, and many more. Later, his parents were convinced, and his sister was happy.



Shyam Lal was a 28 years old milkman who lived in Sagar. One day when he came to serve milk to one of his customers, he found that the door was locked, but on the other hand, the smell of gas was also coming from the house. He quickly called the house owner and told them about the situation. After discussing with them, he came up with a solution. He arranged rope from the neighbourhood and climbed into the house through the window with the help of it. He switched off the gas from the main supply and came back safely. Due to his efforts the danger vanished and the house owners praised his efforts.



Sudhir was a captain in the Army and posted in Jaipur. When he came back home, he planned a small get together with his friend during the holiday. While they were enjoying themselves, he saw that one of his friends starts smoking and that too in front of his child. Sudhir, seeing this felt very bad and stopped his friend from smoking. He told his friend about the various diseases caused by smoking like Cancer and its bad effect in front of a child. Later, Sudhir also suggested to his friend some meditation techniques and Nicotine gum, helping to quit smoking. After some months, Sudhir coordinated telephonically with his friend, and his friend was able to quit smoking. Seeing this, Sudhir was very happy.



Lalit was a 26 years old worker in one of the dry fruit factories at Palampur. On an average day what he noticed that suddenly fire broke into the factory due to a short circuit in the main plug and it was spreading very fast. Seeing this, he quickly took action. He, with the help of a fire extinguisher, rescued the nearby people properly out of the factory. Not only this, he promptly called the fire brigade so that the fire could vanish. Later the fire came under control, and everyone was rescued safely. Lalit was satisfied.

Try to write a practical story and describe the events which could possibly be performed. You can choose the names you are most familiar with so that it could help you while narrating the story. Although if you could not complete your story on paper, you could complete it during the discussion. So, these were ten stories from my perspective. I hope it was useful for you.

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Picture of Bashu Tiwari

Bashu Tiwari

Intern at SSBCrackExams. Recommended from 4 AFSB Varanasi and 19 SSB Allahabad NDA AIR-49. Secured all india rank 26,137 in JEE Mains and 18,000 in JEE advance.

39 thoughts on “10 PPDT Pictures with Stories”

  1. The story’s are giving the good idea about the ppdt test. But some stories I don’t get any logic or not to the point .But likely to get more stories with some realistic content!!

    • Hmm u r right,even I think so like one story ….goal MBBS…but story related to library yean can be …but background is more important goal is already mentioned there so it should have had MBBS preparing story

  2. Mohit is a milkman he is lived in Palampur village .on his daily work he is supplys milk to its regular customers at morning . one day Mohit came to his customer house he saw the lock on the customer house .then he sense the hard smell of burning some thing in the house.then he make call to the owner of house immediately.his owner says that the balcony gate is open you try to reach on it. Mohit fastly go to the neighborhood house and juggled the rope to the balcony then he turn off the gas cylinder and the big accident is averted with the help of Mohit and neighbour hood.

    You always make your own story

    • Mohit is a milkman he is lived in Palampur village .on his daily work he is supplys milk to its regular customers at morning . one day Mohit came to his customer house he saw the lock on the customer house .then he sense the hard smell of burning some thing in the house.then he make call to the owner of house immediately.his owner says that the balcony gate is open you try to reach on it. Mohit fastly go to the neighborhood house and juggled the rope to the balcony then he turn off the gas cylinder and the big accident is averted with the help of Mohit and neighbour hood.

      You always make your own story

    • Brother i am selected for army screening and there is also ppdt portion but the condition is u have to write the story within 1 min could u plz help me what we write within 1 min and how is it possible to explain witjin 1 min

  3. People If we closely absorb the picture number 3, there was a board titled MY GOAL MBBS. From this we could say it was a private library of that student, who is aspire to became doctor. Anyone with me???

  4. Can’t we break the lock directly instead of climbing up … So I think theme should be rescuing puppy who’s owner has left him locked on top room of house because of suffocation he was screaming and this milkman did this jugaad and rescued puppy.

  5. In story 8 I don’t think the house owner left his window open so I think we have to mention that he brak the window Glass and entered in room

    • The pdf is not available nor is the option to take a screenshot, so I’d advise you to copy the text and paste it in your notes so you can take a look at it for reference while practicing writing stories

      • Your all story very short and usefull and success more candidates seeing this story with your help fulfill ours dreams I advise more candidate to join SSB crack for dreams fulfill

  6. In 3rd picture
    On top of the bookshelf, it’s written as he wanted to be an MBBS doctor and that was his room. So I think the story for 3rd, the picture doesn’t fit

    • You can add some more points in it such as
      He separated books according to there relevance
      And pasted some attractive charts on top of shelves to attract children towards books…

  7. Sir all the stores are good. Some of them are prity common. like the picture of women sleeping on the bed. In every web site there is a same answer that she wanted to persive something and her parents will not aggre with that and she starts crying and her brother or someone will come and make her parents to give permission for her studies and every one feel happy.
    My question is it necessary to all ways write the same story or there is no other possibility for like that pictures
    Please give me a reply soon sir.

    • Yes, There could be other approaches too. Like one more is that she is preparing for a very important exam. She has done a large amount of hardwork for that and on the exam day she has to revise all the thing by waking up in the morning. But as she was tired and not able to wake up by herself, her brother helped in doing so. She revised her chapter and excelled in the exam.


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