10 Tips For Weight Loss and Effective Diet Plan For SSB Aspirants

In this article we will share 10 Tips For Weight Loss and Effective Diet Plan For SSB Aspirants. 10 Tips For Weight Loss and Effective...

In this article we will share 10 Tips For Weight Loss and Effective Diet Plan For SSB Aspirants.


10 Tips For Weight Loss and Effective Diet Plan For SSB Aspirants

NDA 2 2017 ENTRY 86

Following tips will help you determine the best strategies to lose weight faster and effectively.

  1. Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night-  Sleep is the most important habit of all to assist you in losing weight fast. The more quality sleep you get, the easier it gets to control hunger and gives you more energy to exercise.  Insufficient sleep causes increased hunger, muscle loss, and weight gain.   
  2. Replace processed foods with whole foods- The root cause of obesity is unarguably processed foods. Strictly cut down food that is processed, like french fries, doughnuts, cake, etc. from your meals because they provide with significant calories without filling you up and the worst part is that they will shoot your hunger levels shortly after consuming such foods. Eat foods in their natural state or close to their natural state like apples, fish, lettuce, eggs, etc.
  3. Eat protein with every meal- High protein diet helps you lose weight faster than consuming low carbs diet.
  4. Drink 10-12 glasses of water every day- It is recommended to drink plenty of water because it is strongly associated with improved weight loss. Always keep yourself hydrated that maintains your energy levels and gives you the sensation of satiety (fullness).
  5. Follow a nutrition plan- You know about your current eating habits, target and create a nutrition plan and follow it every day. Have a systematic approach and stay uniform in your nutritional eating habits.
  6.  Do full body workouts 5x a week (Body Physical Training)-  Training your entire body with workouts or regular physical activities will help you elevate metabolism and calorie burn while preventing muscle loss. Focus on multi-joint exercises like push ups, pull ups, squats, etc. that involve large muscle groups.
  7. Exercises- Actively engage yourself in activities that require manpower.  Also, exercise before heavy workouts; warm up, jog, run, roll, stretch etc. Walk 7500+ steps every day.        
  8. Do Yoga 5x a week- Include Yoga in you daily routine, that will help you lose weight and stress both. Do 10-20 minutes of yoga to reap benefits of this exercise form.
  9. Go for outdoor activities- Apart from the exercises and workouts mentioned above, you may also incline towards outdoor games like football, volleyball, badminton that require high stamina and let you lose weight quickly and promote wholesome physical development.
  10. Swimming- This is the perfect activity for overall body workout. It builds your endurance, cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and burns calories required to lose weight. Swimming has been highly appreciated and regularly praised for weight loss.  


The Military Diet is best suited to people who have enough motivation to exude lots of willpower.

So, here it goes:

Day 1 Breakfast:

½ of a grapefruit (52 calories)

1 slice of toast (67 calories)

2 tablespoons of peanut butter (188 calories)

Coffee or tea

Day 1 Lunch:

½ cup of tuna (89 calories)

1 slice of toast (67 calories)

Coffee or Tea (should use caffeinated)

Day 1 Dinner:

3 ounces of any meat (200 calories; Steak or chicken are good choices)

1 cup green beans (34 calories)

½ of a banana (53 calories)

1 small apple (55 calories)

1 cup vanilla ice cream (289 calories)

Day 2 Breakfast:

1 hard-boiled egg (78 calories)

1 slice of toast (67 calories)

½ of a banana (53 calories)

Day 2 Lunch:

1 cup cottage cheese/cheddar cheese (232 calories)

1 hard-boiled egg (78 calories)

5 saltine crackers (64 calories)

Day 2 Dinner:

2 hot dogs WITHOUT THE BUNS (350 calories)

1 cup of broccoli (54 calories)

½ cup carrots (41 calories)

½ of a banana (53 calories)

½ cup of vanilla ice cream (144 calories)

Day 3 Breakfast:

5 saltine crackers (64 calories)

1 slice of cheddar cheese (113 calories)

1 small apple (55 calories)

Day 3 Lunch:

1 hard-boiled egg (78 calories)

1 slice of toast (67 calories)

Day 3 Dinner:

1 cup tuna (179 calories)

1/2 banana (53 calories)

1 cup vanilla ice cream (289 calories)

Day 4 – 7

Eat what you like, but keep it to a maximum of 1500 calories a day.

So, you are a vegetarian you say? Don’t worry, here are the substitutions for you:

You can replace the Tuna, Meat, Fish and Eggs with Lentils, Soya or Tofu, Quorn, Cottage cheese, and Nuts.

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2 thoughts on “10 Tips For Weight Loss and Effective Diet Plan For SSB Aspirants”

  1. Sandeep,
    In my opinion
    Yes knock knee is a permanent medical unfit.
    I appeared in a medical examination of CAPF
    They were very serious regarding check up of knock knee nd angle of elbow…

  2. Hello sir,
    Iam Sandeep from Bangalore,iam NCC cdt,.
    Sir,if both the knees are touching each other,dose it leads to permanent rejection?.
    Please reply.


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