5 Good Self Help Books For Defence Aspirants

“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.” William Styron once quoted...

“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.”

William Styron once quoted this thought, which genuinely and deeply tells us about the importance of books in someone’s life. Apart from this, if we will take and summarize all great and legendary people’s advice, then one is common among them, and that is of Reading Books regularly.

Here we will not be talking about the academic books required to score good marks but will talk about the books that will help us grow and work efficiently for our future. So, reading books need to be a great habit which everyone needs to succeed in them. It helps us to mold our thoughts with endless knowledge and lessons. Here we will talk about the book that has to be read by the Defence Aspirant. For the defence aspirants, we mainly target here officer level exams. For them, Reading English books will make a difference in their communication skills and vocabulary. Not only it helps them to enhance their personality but adds value to it.

5 Must-Have Self Help and Motivational Books for Defence Aspirants

Below I have mentioned the five good books which are suggested for the Defence Aspirants. These will not only motivate them to join forces but will help them to enhance their wealth use.

1.The Brave: Param Vir Chakra

The book is written by Rachna Bisht Rawat, which takes us to the heart of war, narrating the tales of twenty-one of India s bravest soldiers. The book depicts the 21 Param Vir Chakra holders’ mesmerizing stories and how they could achieve it. This story gives knowledge about real-time situations in the war field in a realistic way and motivates the youth by setting these examples to join the forces.

2.Boots Belts Berets

This book’s story mainly revolves around the four buddies Nikhil, Bertie, Randy, and Maachh, who passed out from the National Defence Academy and shared their experiences. This book takes us to the beautiful ride in the National Defence Academy’s life and shows its colors. This book has all the candidates’ mixed emotions from when they joined the academy to the time they left it. The book could motivate the youth for that life, and it could enhance their knowledge deeply about NDA candidates’ lives.

3.How to Win Friends and Influence People

Though the book’s name has a lot to say in it but talking about it, Dale Carnegie depicted the ideas by which anyone could influence many people by some simple ideas and become their favorite. The things and the book’s content could help the candidates make good bonds with their teammates in GTO, and they can also gently and politely put forward their points in the discussion. Apart from SSB, it will also help them in their real-life in maintaining a good relationship with their close ones.

4.The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

This book, written by Stephen Covey, is one of the best sellers of its time, mainly a business and self-help book that gives an approach to being effective in attaining goals by aligning oneself. It tells about the 7 Habits that the writer believes could help become a highly influential person in his/her field. It could support Defence Aspirants in maintaining good habits that are going to help them in life.

5.Wings Of Fire

As someone once said, our life is too short to do all the things from the first step, So we could learn from successful people’s footprints. With this thought, I have added this book, an autobiography by visionary scientist Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, who rose to be the President of India from very humble beginnings. This book inspires the youth to work hard for the country and on an idea to deal with the problems/situations in their life. It teaches us to become patriotic citizens of our country. Shown in the book are a determinant India and countless efforts of its scientists in achieving superiority in aeronautical, space, and rocket technology.

3 Must-Have Books for Defence Aspirants to Crack SSB Interview

Some of the best-selling books from SSBCrack will help you to crack the SSB interview.

  1. Let’s Crack SSB Interview : The first and only book that covers the deep details related to the SSB interview. This book covers everything related to the 5 days SSB interview procedure. This book has being updated as per the latest trends at SSB which other books lack.

2. Breaking The Code of SSB Psychological Tests: The one and only book that covers Psychological Tests in detail with 100s of original examples from SSB Interview. This book contains everything that you need to prepare for the SSB Psychological tests.

3. OIR and PPDT Test: First book that covers OIR Tests and PPDT in a proper and structured way to help the defence aspirants who are stuck in SSB Screening Test. This book contains thousands of OIR Test questions and also covers the PPDT section in detail. The book is a must for all defence aspirants because the screening test at SSB is very crucial.

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Picture of Bashu Tiwari

Bashu Tiwari

Intern at SSBCrackExams. Recommended from 4 AFSB Varanasi and 19 SSB Allahabad NDA AIR-49. Secured all india rank 26,137 in JEE Mains and 18,000 in JEE advance.

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