55 Young Paratroopers Passing Out Parade Held At Parachute Regiment Training Centre

Highly motivated young paratroopers were welcomed into the folds of the Indian Army. On successful military training, 55 recruits were attested at Parachute Regiment Training...

Highly motivated young paratroopers were welcomed into the folds of the Indian Army. On successful military training, 55 recruits were attested at Parachute Regiment Training Centre Bangalore.

55 young paratroopers passing out parade held at parachute regiment training centre
55 young paratroopers passing out parade held at parachute regiment training centre 1
55 young paratroopers passing out parade held at parachute regiment training centre 2

55 recruits were attested after successful completion of their training at Parachute Regiment Training Centre Bangalore. Parachute Regiment welcomes these valiant Young Paratroopers into the folds of the Regiment.

The initial training of the recruits of the Parachute Regiment is done at Parachute Regimental Training Center in Bengaluru. The Parachute Regiment is an airborne infantry unit of the Indian Army. The soldiers of the Parachute Regiment have a significant uniform with the Para wings badge and a maroon beret.

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