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6-7 February 2022 Daily Defence Current Affairs And Updates [DOWNLOAD PDF]

Daily Defence Current Affairs 6-7 February 2022 Army Seeks 80,000 Ballistic Helmets The Indian Army is seeking new ballistic helmets that offer a greater level of protection to troops against...

Daily Defence Current Affairs 6-7 February 2022

Army Seeks 80,000 Ballistic Helmets

  • The Indian Army is seeking new ballistic helmets that offer a greater level of protection to troops against high-velocity bullets.
    • “Ballistic helmets with protection against 9mm bullets have been inducted in service in lieu of fiberglass helmets.
    • With the threat of 7.62 x 39mm bullets to the troops, there is a need to induct ballistic helmets with higher protection parameters,” a proposal issued by Army Headquarters.
    • The Army has projected a requirement for 80,000 helmets, which includes 3,600 helmets for troops deployed on anti-terrorist operations with the Rashtriya Rifles in J&K. The indigenous content should be at least 50 %.
    • New Bullet Proof Helmets will be replacing the ‘Bulletproof Patka’ that the soldiers in the Indian Army have been using since the 1990s.

The story of helmets in the Indian Army:

  • In the 90s when the Army was deployed to fight insurgency in J & K, the soldiers were equipped with 1974 model fiberglass helmets.
    • These were not adequate to protect the soldiers against flying bullets and splinters.

Specifications Of the Helmet

  • The helmets are comfortable and weigh from 1.2 kg to 1.4 kg
    • It has support for various accessories, including visors, face shields & night vision goggles.
    • They can protect soldiers from the AK-47 bullets which fly at twice the speed of sound.

Bullets Caliber:

  • For guns, “caliber” means the diameter of the barrel and thus the diameter of the bullet that is going through it. Usually in inches or mm.

Indian Army Plans to Deploy K-9 Howitzers LAC  

  • Indian Army is now planning to deploy K-9 Vajra howitzers in the high-altitude mountains in the central and eastern sector of the line of actual control with China.
  • The trials of the guns have been very successful & the plan is to order 200 more of these howitzers in Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand.
  • After deal could be signed with Larsen & Toubro (L&T) at DefExpo 2022
  • K-9 Vajra Howitzers:
  • The K-9 VAJRA is the indigenised version of the basic K9 Thunder from South Korea.
  • Range: 38 km
  • The K9 VAJRA-T 155mm/ 52 is a tracked self-propelled howitzer (a short gun for firing shells on high trajectories at low velocities).

E-counselling For New Sainik Schools SNC

  • Sainik School Society is in the process of developing an automated system for the conduct of e-Counselling.
  • Process:  A link will be sent to individual applicant students securing more than qualifying marks as prescribed by SSS.
  •  The students will be asked to register through the link provided at the web portal and verify their details.
  • Benefits:
  • This automated system for e-Counselling will ensure complete transparency & also it is less expensive, user-friendly for all the stakeholders- schools, students & administrative authority.
  • It will also provide access for real-time monitoring of the entire process.

US Grants Sanctions Relief to Iran

  • The Biden administration restored some sanctions relief to Iran’s atomic programme as talks aimed at salvaging the languishing 2015 nuclear deal enter a critical phase.
  • What Is the Iran Nuclear Deal?
  • The Iran nuclear agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), is a landmark accord reached between Iran & several world powers, including the USA, in July 2015.
  • Under its terms, Iran agreed to dismantle much of its nuclear program & open its facilities to more extensive international inspections in exchange for billions of dollars worth of sanctions relief.
  • President Trump withdrew the USA from the deal in 2018, claiming it failed to curtail Iran’s missile program and regional influence. Iran began ignoring limitations on its nuclear program a year later.

Nuclear Related Organisation & Treaties

  • International Atomic Energy Agency- Also known as “Atoms for Peace & Development”
  • Establishment: 1957, Headquarter: Vienna, Austria.
  • Objective:  To promote safe, secure & peaceful use of nuclear tech.
  • In 2005, it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Nuclear Related Organisation & Treaties

Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

  • Establishment: January 1, 1967,
  • Objective:  To prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology.
  • India is not a signatory of NPT.

Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)

  • Establishment: 1974
  • Objective: a group of nuclear supplier countries that seeks to contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
  • Members: 48 + E.U
  • India is not a member of NSG.


  • Range of K-9 Vajra Howitzer is
  • 40km
  • 38km
  • 20km
  • 55km


  • “Raja Ramachandra Ki Jai” Is The War Cry Of___


  • Regimental Centre of MADRAS REGIMENT
  • Kamptee, Maharashtra
  • Ahmednagar, Maharashtra
  • Delhi Cantonment
  • Wellington, Tamil Nadu


  • IAEA Stands for
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
  • Iran Atomic Energy Agency
  • International Atomic Explosive Agency
  • None of the above

     ANSWER: A

  • IAEA Got Nobel Peace Prize In  
  • 2001
  • 2011
  • 2005
  • 2015


  • Hq Of IAEA Is In
  • Columbo, Sri Lanka
  • Doha, Qatar
  • Tehran, Iran
  • Vienna, Austria


  • Capital of Iran is
  • Abu Dhabi
  • Muscat
  • Dubai
  • Tehran


  • India Is Not a Signatory Of
  • NPT
  • CTBT
  • Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
  • All the above


  • Which Two Countries Had Signed the COMCASA Deal?
  • India and China
  • India and USA
  • India and Japan
  • India and Russia


  • The 5th Ex JIMEX, B/W Japan & India, Was Conducted In
  • South China Sea
  • Bay of Bengal
  • Indian Ocean
  • Arabian Sea



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