6 Most Important CDS 2 2017 Mathematics Exam Problems

In this article we will see some CDSE important math questions from previous years CDSE papers. 6 Most Important CDS 2 2017 Mathematics Exam Problems...

In this article we will see some CDSE  important math questions from previous years CDSE papers.


6 Most Important CDS 2 2017 Mathematics Exam Problems

6 Most Important Cds Mathematics Exam Problems

1) The compound interest for two years on a capital is Rs. two more than the simple interest for the same period.If the rate of interest is 5% per year,then the capital would be
a. Rs. 800
b. Rs. 840
c. Rs. 880
d. Rs. 882

2) Twenty litres of a mixture contains milk and water in the ratio of 5 : 3. If four litres of this mixture is replaced by four litres of milk, then the ratio of the milk to that of the water in the new mixture will be
a. 5 : 3
b. 4 : 3
c. 7 : 3
d. 2 : 3

3) Â«math xmlns=¨http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML¨»«msqrt»«mrow»«mn»6«/mn»«mo»+«/mo»«msqrt»«mrow»«mn»6«/mn»«mo»+«/mo»«msqrt»«mrow»«mn»6«/mn»«mo»+«/mo»«mo».«/mo»«mo».«/mo»«mo».«/mo»«/mrow»«/msqrt»«/mrow»«/msqrt»«/mrow»«/msqrt»«/math»is equal to
a. 6(2/3)
b. 3(1/2)
c. 6
d. 3

4) Consider the following statements : For any positive integer n, the number «math xmlns=¨http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML¨»«msup»«mn»10«/mn»«mi mathvariant=¨normal¨»n«/mi»«/msup»«mo»-«/mo»«mn»1«/mn»«/math» is divisible by

1. 9 for n = odd only.
2. 9 for n = even only.
3. 11 for n = odd only.
4. 11 for n = even only.
5. 9 for n = odd or even.
Which of the above statements are correct ?
a. 1 and 3
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 4
d. 4 and 5

5) The cost price of a table and a 38.chair together is Rs. 430. If the table costs 15% more than the chair, then the cost (in rupees) of the table and the chair are respectively
a. 196 and 175
b. 230 and 200
c. 200 and 170
d. 240 and 190

6) The set of linear inequations, x + y < 0, x > 0, y > 0 has
a. 3 solutions
b. 1 solutions
c. No solutions
d. An infinite number of solutions

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