ACC 112 SSB Interview Dates

Indian army has published the ACC 112 ssb interview dates in its official website Candidates who have applied for ACC entry can check their...

ACC SSB Interview Dates

Indian army has published the ACC 112 ssb interview dates in its official website Candidates who have applied for ACC entry can check their ACC 112 ssb interview dates from the links given below.


In case of request for change of date of SSB Interveiw, You are required to approach to this Centre, your request may be consider if alternative date is available. Please note there is no absentee batch.

You will bring with you the following documents at the time of reporting:

  • Service Identity Card.
  • Originals Certificates and Mark Sheets from Class X to highest qualification obtained.
  • Movement Order.
  • Two photostat copies of Mark Sheets duly attested.
  • Originals Certificates supporting your achievements in sports, games and co-curricular activities.

ACC 112 SSB Dates


ACC 112 SSB Interview Dates:


Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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