32 Achievements of DRDO In 2020

Major Achievements in the year 2020 1.   DRDO Young Scientist Laboratories (DYSLs) Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi dedicated to the Nation five DRDO Young Scientists...

Major Achievements in the year 2020

1.   DRDO Young Scientist Laboratories (DYSLs)

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi dedicated to the Nation five DRDO Young Scientists Laboratories (DYSLs) on 2nd Jan 2020. The DYSLs are located in Bengaluru, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad. Each lab will work on a key advanced technology viz. artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, cognitive technologies, asymmetric technologies &smart materials respectively.

2.   First landing of DRDO Developed LCA Navy onboard INS Vikramaditya

After completing extensive trials on the Shore Based Test Facility (SBTF), Naval version of Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) did a successful arrested landing onboard INS Vikramaditya on 11th January 2020.  

3.   DRDO representation at Republic Day Parade 

DRDO developed products such as surface-to-air missile ‘Akash’, beyond visual range air-to-air missile ‘Astra’, anti-satellite (ASAT) missile, light combat aircraft ‘Tejas’, mobile bridging system ‘Sarvatra’ and air defence tactical control radar were displayed as part of different tableaux of DRDO and the Armed Forces during this year’s Republic Day Parade.  

4.   Representation at DefExpo-2020 

DRDO displayed more than 500 indigenously developed products during the DefExpo-2020 held at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh during 5-9 Feb 2020. The products attracted wider attention of foreign & national visitors. DRDO carried out 17 ToTs to industries during DefExpo-2020. In Live Demo, Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas Mk-1A, Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System (ATAGS), Main Battle Tank (MBT) Arjun Mk-1A, Wheeled Armour Platform (WhAP), Counter Mine Flail (CMF) and Advanced Composite Modular Bridging System (ACMBS) were there. 

5.   Air Defence Fire Control Radar (ADFCR) ‘Atulya’

Air Defence Fire Control Radar (ADFCR) in conjunction with Anti- Aircraft Guns forms a Ground Based Air Defence System whose main purpose is effective point defence against all air threats at short and very short ranges during day and night under all weather conditions and also in the presence of enemy jamming. The radar has been developed as an indigenous solution against DAC approval for large quantity required for Indian Army.  During the month of February 2020, Phase-I of User Assisted Technical Trials (UATT) i.e. high-altitude low temperature tests were completed.

6.   Advanced Light Weight Torpedo (ALWT)

Advanced Light weight Torpedo (ALWT) is an anti-submarine torpedo launched from ship, helicopter or from a fixed wing aircraft. The presence of enemy target is detected by the sonar onboard a ship or an aircraft. Based on target parameters estimated by the sonar and Fire Control System, torpedo is fired with a few preset parameters to ensure that the weapon is in most favourable position to acquire the target, home in and destroy it. During the month of March 2020, two nos of dynamic trials including homing and guidance logics was conducted. ALWT has consistently achieved good homing range including 3 steer away with increased target range & reduced target strength. 

7.   Software Defined Radio-Airborne

SDR is a secure indigenous system with legacy communication support and secure digital voice/data communication support and secure digital voice/data communication for Naval application with 3 channel, 4-channel for Tactical Communication and single channel operation in V/UHF and UHF band. During the month of March 2020, two Nos of 4-channel CEMILAC SOFT certified SDR-AR system installation and integration was successfully carried out on 02 Naval Dornier with SDR-AR ground station at HAL.

 8.   3rdGeneration Helicopter Launch Anti-Tank Guided Missile (Dhruvastra)

DRDO successfully conducted three flight tests of its indigenously developed anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) ”Dhruvastra” from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur in Odisha, in July 2020.  This is one of the most advanced anti-tank weapons in the world.  

9.   Anti Drone System

As Prime Minister Narendra Modi adderessed the nation on the occasion of 74th Independence Day, DRDO’s anti-drone system was deployed at the Red Fort for PM’s security. It can bring down micro drones through either jamming of command and control links or by damaging the drones through laser-based Directed Energy Weapon. 

10.       DRDO identified 108 Systems &Subsystems for industry to design, develop and manufacture towards achieving “Atmanirbhar Bharat”

Responding to the clarion call given by Hon’ble Prime Minister for “Atmanirbhar Bharat”, DRDO has taken several initiatives to strengthen the indigenous defence ecosystem.  Towards this, A DRDO delegation met with Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh on 24th Aug 2020 to apprise him about 108 systems and subsystems which have been identified for designing and development by the Indian Industry only. The list of technologies can be accessed on link https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1648234. This initiative will pave the way for Indian Defence industry to develop many technologies towards building an AtmaNirbhar Bharat.

11.       Industry as Development-cum-Production Partner 

The present industry base for DRDO consists of 1800 MSMEs along with DPSUs, Ordnance Factories and large scale industries.  DRDO has already taken major initiatives through various policies to involve Indian industry as Development cum Production Partners (DcPP), offering its technology to industry at nominal cost and providing free access to its patents.  This initiative will support the fast growing Indian defence industrial ecosystem and will help the industry to contribute towards “Atmanirbhar Bharat” in a big way. 

12.       Flight Test of Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle

DRDO successfully demonstrated the hypersonic air-breathing scramjet technology with the flight testing of Hypersonic Technology Demonstration Vehicle (HSTDV) from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Launch Complex at Wheeler Island, off the coast of Odisha on 7th Sep 2020. The Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle was launched using a proven solid rocket motor, which took it to an altitude of 30 kilometre (km), where the aerodynamic heat shields were separated at hypersonic Mach number. The hypersonic combustion sustained and the cruise vehicle continued on its desired flight path at a velocity of six times the speed of sound i.e., nearly 2 km/second for more than 20 second.

13.       Multi Influence Ground Mine (MIGM)

Multi Influence Ground Mine (MIGM) has been designed and developed by NSTL, DRDO with an aim to give Indian Navy an edge against most modern stealth ships. MIGM is deployable from ships, submarines. MIGM has successfully completed Technology Demonstration during Technical Trials. 

14.       Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar (AESAR) ‘Uttam’

Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar (AESAR), UTTAM is a multimode, solid-state active phased array fire control radar with scalable architecture that can be adapted for various types of fighter class of aircraft. It is capable of tracking multiple targets with high accuracy suitable for firing missiles with interleaved Air to Air, Air to Ground and Air to Sea modes for all terrain operation.   

15.   Successful Flight Test of ABHYAS 

Successful flight test of ABHYAS – High-speed Expendable Aerial Target (HEAT) was conducted on 22nd SEP 2020 by DRDO from the Interim Test Range, Balasore in Odisha. During the trials, two demonstrator vehicles were successfully test flown. The vehicle can be used as target for evaluation of various missile systems.

16.       AHSP Transfer of Pinaka Weapon System from DRDO to DGQA

An important milestone was achieved on 25th September 2020 when Authority Holding Sealed Particulars (AHSP) responsibility of Pinaka weapon system was handed over by DRDO to DGQA. AHSP transfer marks successful establishment of production of Pinaka rockets, Launchers, Battery Command Posts, Loader Cum Replenishment and Replenishment Vehicles as well as successful establishment of Quality Assurance processes. AHSP handing over took place at ARDE, Pune wherein the documentation required by various Production agencies, Quality Assurance agencies, Maintenance agencies and Users were formally handed over by ARDE, HEMRL and VRDE to CQA (A). Pinaka is a free flight artillery rocket system. Pinaka rockets are launched from a multi barrel rocket launcher which has capability to launch salvo of 12 rockets.  

17.       Successful Flight Test of BrahMos Missile 

BrahMos surface-to-surface supersonic cruise missile featuring indigenous Booster and Airframe Section along with many other ‘Made in India’ sub-systems was successfully flight tested for designated range on September 30, 2020 from ITR, Balasore in Odisha. It is one more major step in enhancing the indigenous content. On 18th Oct 2020, another BrahMos missile was successfully test fired from Indian Navy’s indigenously built stealth destroyer INS Chennai, hitting a target in the Arabian Sea. The missile hit the target successfully with pin-point accuracy after performing high-level and extremely complex manoeuvres. BrahMos as ‘prime strike weapon’ will ensure the warship’s invincibility by engaging naval surface targets at long ranges, thus making the destroyer another lethal platform of Indian Navy. On 1st Dec 2020, one more BrahMos Missile in Anti-Ship mode was successfully test fired against a decommissioned Ship. The test firing was carried out by Indian Navy. The missile performed highly complex manoeuvres and hit Bull’s eye of the target. 

18.       Flight Testing of DRDO’s Laser Guided ATGM

The indigenously developed Laser Guided Anti Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) was successfully test fired on 1st Oct 2020 defeating a target located at longer range. The test was conducted from MBT Arjun at KK ranges (ACC&S) Ahmednagar in continuation of successful trial done on 22nd Sep 2020. In these tests, the ATGM successfully defeated the target. Laser guided ATGMs lock and track the targets with help of laser designation to ensure precision hit accuracy. It has been developed with multiple-platform launch capability and is currently undergoing technical evaluation trials from gun of MBT Arjun. 

19.       Successful Flight Test of SMART

Supersonic Missile Assisted Release of Torpedo (SMART) has been successfully flight tested on 5th Oct 2020 from Wheeler Island off the coast of Odisha. All the mission objectives including missile flight upto the range and altitude, separation of the nose cone, release of Torpedo and deployment of Velocity Reduction Mechanism have been met perfectly. Tracking stations (Radars, Electro Optical Systems) along the coast and telemetry stations including down range ships monitored all the events. SMART is a missile assisted release of lightweight Anti-Submarine Torpedo System for Anti-Submarine Warfare operations far beyond Torpedo range.  

20.       Indigenously Developed Anti-Radiation Missile (RUDRAM)

New generation Anti Radiation Missile (RUDRAM) was successfully Flight tested on 9th Oct 2020 onto a radiation target located on Wheeler Island off the coast of Odisha. The missile was launched from SU-30 MKI fighter aircraft. The RUDRAM is first indigenous anti-radiation missile of the country for Indian Air Force (IAF), being developed by DRDO. The missile is integrated on SU-30 Mk-I fighter aircraft as the launch platform, having capability of varying ranges based on launch conditions. The RUDRAM hit the radiation target with pin-point accuracy. The missile is a potent weapon for IAF for Suppression of Enemy Air Defence effectively from large stand-off ranges. 

21.       Industry Support Measure by DRDO      

To encourage more participation of Indian industry, including Start-ups and Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Defence Research & Development (R&D) for achieving ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’, Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh released a new version of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Procurement Manual 2020 (PM-2020) in Oct 2020. In addition as measure to support indigenous industry, requirement of ‘Performance Security’ for ‘Development Contracts by DRDO has been waived off. However, Warranty Bond would continue to be obtained from successful development partner to cover the DRDO interest during the warranty period. 

22.       Final User Trial of NAG Missile

Final user trial of 3rd generation Anti Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) NAG was carried out on 22nd Oct 2020 from Pokhran range. The missile was integrated with the actual warhead and a tank target was kept at designated range. This was launched from NAG Missile Carrier NAMICA. The missile hit the target accurately defeating the armour. 

23.       Successful flight test of enhanced version of PINAKA rocket system 

Enhanced PINAKA rocket, developed by DRDO has been successfully flight tested from Integrated Test Range, Chandipur off the coast of Odisha on 4thNov 2020. Development of Enhanced Pinaka system was taken up to achieve longer range performance compared to earlier design with reduced length. 

24.       DRDO Developed Fire Detection and Suppression System for Buses

Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh and Minister for Road Transport and Highways Shri Nitin Gadkari witnessed the demonstration of Fire Detection and Suppression System (FDSS) developed by DRDO for Passenger Buses at DRDO Bhawan on 9th Nov 2020. Demonstrations were given on Water Mist Based FDSS for Passenger Compartment and Aerosol Based FDSS for engine fire. DRDO’s Centre for Fire Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES), Delhi has developed the technology, which can detect the fire in passenger compartment in less than 30 sec and then suppresses it in 60 sec thereby reducing the risk to life and property to a significant extent. 

25.       QRSAM Missile System Achieves Major Milestone

Quick Reaction Surface to Air Missile (QRSAM) System has achieved a major milestone by a direct hit onto a Banshee Pilotless target aircraft at medium range & medium altitude. The missile launch took place from ITR Chandipur on 13th Nov 2020 off the Odisha Coast. The missile uses all indigenous subsystems. In yet another successful flight test on
17th Nov 2020 the QRSAM tracked the target accurately and successfully neutralised the airborne target. The flight test was second in the series. This test was carried out once again, against the high-performance Jet Unmanned Aerial Target, which simulates an aircraft. 

26.       Successful Trials of 5.56×30 mm Joint Venture Protective Carbine

DRDO designed 5.56×30 mm Protective Carbine has successfully undergone the final phase of User trials on 7th December 2020 meeting all the GSQR parameters.  This has paved the way for induction into the services. This was the last leg of trials in a series of User trials which have been carried out in extreme temperature conditions in summer and high altitudes in winter. JVPC has successfully met the performance criteria of reliability and accuracy in addition to quality trials conducted by DGQA.JVPC has key features like high reliability, low recoil, retractable butt, ergonomic design, single hand firing capability, and multiple Picatinny rails etc. These features make it very potent weapon for Counter Insurgency/Counter Terrorism operations. 

27.       Quantum Communication between two DRDO Laboratories

Secure communications are vital for defence and strategic agencies world over and distribution of encryption keys from time to time is an important requirement in this context. Sharing of keys over the air or wired links requires encryption, which in turn requires encryption keys to be pre-shared. Quantum based communication offers a robust solution to sharing the keys securely. DRDO undertook the project for development of this technology. A milestone of this project was achieved on 9th Dec 2020 when DRDO developed Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) technology underwent trials in Hyderabad between two DRDO labs, to show secure communication. 

28.       2.28 Inauguration of Hypersonic Wind Tunnel at DRDO Hyderabad 

Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh visited DRDO’s Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Missile Complex during his visit to Hyderabad on 19th Dec 2020. On this occasion, Raksha Mantri inaugurated the advanced Hypersonic Wind Tunnel (HWT) test facility. The state-of-the-art HWT Test facility is pressure vacuum driven enclosed free jet facility having nozzle exit diameter of 1 meter and will simulate Mach No 5 to 12. After USA and Russia, India is the third country to have such a large facility in terms of size and operating capability. It is an indigenous development and an outcome of synergistic partnership with Indian industries. The facility has the capability to simulate hypersonic flow over a wide spectrum and will play a major role in the realization of highly complex futuristic aerospace and defence systems. 

29.       Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

DRDO signed the MoU with Gujarat University, Ahmedabad and Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management (IITRAM), Gandhinagar for induction of Defence Technology courses at B Tech level. 

30.       DRDO’s Initiatives during COVID Pandemic

DRDO undertook product development on war footing to fight COVID-19 pandemic. DRDO developed 19 technologies and more than 100 products which include PPEs, Hand Sanitizer, UV Blaster, Germi Klean and the like, which have direct utilization to combat COVID 19. These technologies and products are hosted on DRDO website (https://drdo.gov.in/message-board/drdo-fight-against-covid-19) and transferred to Indian industry with zero ToT fees.  

31.       Establishment of three dedicated COVID-19 Hospitals  

DRDO established three dedicated COVID hospital at Delhi, Patna and Mujaffarpur for strengthening the medical infrastructure therein. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Covid Hospital is DRDO’s 1000 bed facility, which was made operational on 5th July 2020 with a mandate to treat COVID-19 positive patients from Delhi and other states. DRDO has increased the number of ICU beds to 500 in Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Covid Hospital at Delhi Cantonment on the advice of Union Government in view of the rising number of cases in Delhi NCR. All the beds are provided with oxygen support. Apart from this, 500 bed Covid Hospitals with 125 ICU beds, set up by DRDO in Bihar at Patna and Muzaffarpur respectively. 

32.       Development of Virology Research Lab 

DRDO also developed Virology Research Labs for testing of COVID in various locations like Gwalior, Tezpur, Leh and Delhi and also deployed its qualified manpower and infrastructure to the State Government for strengthening their COVID testing capabilities.

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