ACC stands for Army Cadet College , is an institution which selects and trains regular army soldiers to become an officer in Indian army.
The selection for admission to ACC is based on a written test and subsequent selection via service selection board.The nature of training at ACC is same as that of the NDA and ACC candidates complete there 3 years degree course while training.
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 Army Cadet College Written Exam Syllabus
ACC exam syllabus and paper is divided into four parts.Following is the information in detail.
General Mental Ability test (GMAT) paper will be aimed at testing the candidate’s intellectual ability.This paper have two types of questions – Argument and data Sufficiency. There will be 150 objective type questions of two marks each. The paper will consists of three sections:
1.   Reasoning Ability (Verbal): 75 questions: 150 Marks
2.   Non – verbal Reasoning: 15 questions: 30 Marks
3.   Numerical Ability: 60 questions: 120 Marks
Questions in this component will be aimed at testing the candidate’s General Awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. The syllabus designed to include test of mental ability, current general situational and military awareness. This will consists of 150 objective type questions of two marks each.
Questions in this component will be designed to test the candidate’s understanding and knowledge of English language in particular the communicative skill. There will be two papers for Interactive Communicative English. Part I will consists of 120 objective type questions of one mark each for a duration of one hour. Part II will consist of descriptive type questions for 180 marks for a duration of two hours.
There will be only one paper covering Mathematics, General Science and Humanities. There will be a total of 150 objective type questions of 3 marks each Topics to be included in each paper and the distribution of marks will be as under:
1.   Section A: Mathematics: 50 Questions: 100 Marks
2.   Section B: General Science: 50 Questions:100 Marks
3.   Section C: Humanities: 50 Questions: 100 Marks
Mental ability test is the easiest of all the topics which can be learned through some practice, Learning English is a long process.
After going through the ACC exam syllabus you must have realize how vast the syllabus is, it is hard and hence device your plan accordingly , you need 3 to 4 months of constant practice. Daily one to one and a half hour of intense practice is more than enough to pass this exam.
1 thought on “Army Cadet College Written Exam Syllabus”
Thanku, very much for guidlines.