Best Tips to Prepare for EKT 2 2016

EKT tests the basic knowledge of candidates applying for Aeronautical Engineering Courses. EKT is grounded at pre final year knowledge level. EKT has two parts...

Tips to Prepare for EKT 2 2015

EKT tests the basic knowledge of candidates applying for Aeronautical Engineering Courses. EKT is grounded at pre final year knowledge level. EKT has two parts namely

Part-A : General Engineering (40 questions)

Part-B : Specialised Paper (35 questions)

General engineering part is based on the topics that are common to multiple branches of engineering. Whereas, specialised part is based on the knowledge of the discipline of the candidate’s degree.  These disciplines are Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering and Computer Engineering.

Best Tips to Prepare for EKT 2 2016

Best Tips to Prepare for EKT 2 2016

  • Practice makes a man perfect. Practice at least 1 hour daily for having a thorough knowledge about your basics.
  • Prepare by going through the previous year question papers as it will give you an idea about the paper pattern and the way to tackle a paper.
  • Never try to stick to a single question if it’s confusing. Move on to the next one leaving this one to be tackled in the left out time after you’ve gone through the rest of the paper.
  • Search in market for best books which contain basic contents of the EKT syllabus.
  • Make short hand notes of what you are learning for quick revision before exam.
  • Best EKT coaching: SSBcrack Exams has made EKT coaching easily getable by bringing it at your PC or Mobile. If you are planning to attempt EKT in future and seeking help with its preparation SSBcrack Exam is your answer for best EKT coaching.SSbcrack Exams, Best EKT Coaching offers:
    1. EKT full Online Course with study material
    2. EKT based National Level Mock Tests
    3. Reports and Analysis on performance
    4. Expected imported questions for upcoming EKT paper along with monthly GK and Current Affairs updates.

    To enroll in SSBcrack Exams, first a student has to register. There are two ways a student can register:

    1. Student can register through our website by providing – Username, Email id and Password. To Register Click Here
    2. Student can register with his Facebook id and password. To Register Click Here

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Picture of Ashutosh


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