CDS 1 2016 Exam Result Declared

On the basis of the results of the COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICES EXAMINATION (I), 2016 held by the Union Public Service Commission on 14th February, 2016,...

On the basis of the results of the COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICES EXAMINATION (I), 2016 held by the Union Public Service Commission on 14th February, 2016, 8411 candidates with the following Roll Numbers have qualified for being interviewed by the Service Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence.

Union public service commission (UPSC) conducts a Common Defence Service (CDS) Examination, 2016 twice in a year, the first exam is conducted in the month of February 2016. The short listed candidates in the final list will be finalised for various posts in the Indian Armed Forces Training Academy.

Qualified candidates will be interviewed by the Service Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence, for admission to:

(i) Indian Military Academy, Dehradun

(ii) Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala

(iii) Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (PreFlying) Training Course

(iv) Officers’ Training Academy, Chennai, SSC Course (for Men)

(v) Officers’ Training Academy, Chennai, SSC Women (Non-Technical).

CDS 1 2016 Exam Result Declared

CDS 1 2016 Result Declared

UPSC has declared the Result of CDS 1 2016 Written Exam Results

Steps to download CDS 1 2016 exam result

After the result is released by UPSC follow below given steps to download the result list.

  1. Candidates can check the official website
  2. Search for Written Result – CDS Examination (I), 2016 on the home page of ‘what’s news’ column.
  3. Candidates will be directed to PDF file where they can search for there roll number in the list.
  4. Candidate who has cleared his exam only he can find his roll number in CDS 1 2016 exam result list

Dowload CDS 1 2016 PDF file

Click on the link given below

CDS 1 2016 Result PDF

Important points to know about CDS 1 2016 exam result

  1. In accordance with the conditions of the admission to the examination, successful candidates are required to submit the original certificates in support of age (Date of Birth), educational qualifications, NCC (C) (Army Wing/Senior Division Air Wing/Naval Wing) etc.
  2. Successful candidates needs to submit thier original certificates within two weeks of completion of the SSB Interview.
  3. The Union Public Service Commission have a Facilitation Counter near Examination Hall Building in its Campus. Candidates may obtain any information/clarification regarding this examination on working days between 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM, in person or over telephone No.011-23385271, 011-23381125 and 011-23098543 from this Facilitation Counter.
  4. The marks-sheet of candidates who have not qualified, will be put on the Commission’s website within 15 days from the date of publication of the final result of OTA.

UPSC CDS 1 2016 SSB Dates

Once UPSC published the list of successful candidates, Indian army, air force and navy will publish the SSB interview dates for IMA, AFA, OTA and NA on their respective career website. SSB interviews of CDS 1 2016 will start one month after the date of result of written exam.


UPSC CDS 1 2016 Merit List

Once the SSB interviews are over, UPSC will publish the list of candidates who have cleared the SSB and AFSB interview. UPSC will not publish the result of medical test of recommended candidates, so the list which is published by UPSC will consists of roll numbers of unfit candidates as well. To check the final merit list of CDS 1 2016 candidates have to check the official website of the respective services.

CDS 1 2016 Course List

  • IMA 142
  • Flying Course 201/16 F/PC Course AFA
  • 105th SSC Men OTA
  • 19th SSC Women OTA
  • INA Executive (Hydro/ General Service) INA
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

14 thoughts on “CDS 1 2016 Exam Result Declared”

  1. Respected sir/madam,I am a final year student.can I eligible for cds(2) exam.and my date of birth is 26oct1997(26-10-1997).

  2. i have secured total 207marks for ima, 150 marks for ota in written and ssb in cds 1 2016.i opted ima as my first choice and then ota.i was not recommended. the marks of last recommended candidate for ima is 214,but for ota the marks for last recommended candidate is my final mark sheet the remarks was not recommended for both but i hav secured the marks equal to the marks of last recommnded candidate for ota.what should i do now????

    • yaa.u will get after september….go to upsc website…in bottom u will find…marksheet of diffrent thre nd u will find urs


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