CDS 2 2021 Notification And Exam Date [OUT NOW]

Finally, CDS 2 2021 Notification has been published by Union Public Service Commission on 04 August 2021 as per the UPSC Examination Calendar 2021 and...

Finally, CDS 2 2021 Notification has been published by Union Public Service Commission on 04 August 2021 as per the UPSC Examination Calendar 2021 and some important dates are released officially by UPSC. Candidates who are interested to apply for UPSC CDS II 2021 notification can apply at and

As per the latest update on the CDS 2 2021 Exam 2021 notification, candidates can apply for the CDS 2 2021 exam on the official website from 4 August to 24 August 2021.

UPSC conducts CDS exam twice a year and this is one of the most popular defence exams among the aspirants who are willing to join as an Officer in the Indian Army, Navy, Air Force, and Officers Training Academies. SSBCrackExams takes the initiative and helps the youngsters to know the CDS Exam 2021 eligibility criteria, exam dates, selection, etc., If you are planning to write the CDS 2 2021 Exam, you can read the following details below. A short summary of eligibility criteria for CDS 2 2021 Exam is given below:

CDS 2 2021 Important Dates: UPSC has published the CDS 2 2021 notification and important dates. Let’s have a look at the detailed schedule for CDS 2 2021 exam.

CDS 2 2021 Application Start Date04 August 2021
CDS 2 2021 Application Last Date24 August 2021
CDS 2 2021 Exam Date14 Nov 2021
CDS 2 2021 Admit Card Download DateBefore 3 weeks of exam
CDS 2 2021 Result Date (Expected)Jan – Feb 2022

A Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2021 will be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission on 14th November, 2021 for admission to the under mentioned courses :
Name of the Course and Approximate No. of Vacancies:

  1. Indian Military Academy, Dehradun – 153rd (DE) Course commencing in July, 2022 [including 13 vacancies reserved for NCC `C’ Certificate (Army Wing) holders] – 100 vacancies
  2. Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala – Course commencing in July, 2022 Executive Branch (General Service)/Hydro [including 03 vacancies for NCC ‘C’ Certificate (Naval Wing through NCC Special Entry ) holders ]. – 22 vacancies
  3. Air Force Academy, Hyderabad—(Pre-Flying) Training Course commencing in July, 2022
    i.e. No. 212 F(P) Course. [including 03 vacancies are reserved for NCC `C’ Certificate (Air Wing) holders through NCC Spl. Entry] – 32 vacancies
  4. Officers’ Training Academy, Chennai (Madras) – 116th SSC (Men) (NT) (UPSC) Course commencing in October, 2022 – 169 vacancies
  5. Officers Training Academy, Chennai (Madras) 30th SSC Women (NT) (UPSC) Course commencing in October, 2022. – 16 vacancies
  6. Total 339 Vacancies

CDS 2 2021 Eligibility Conditions: Now we will be going through the eligibility conditions of CDS 2 2021 Notification, here we can get the maximum knowledge about the notification issued by UPSC and we can know the new amendments and updations done by UPSC it might be in syllabus, exam pattern, recruitment stages.

CDS 2 2021 Educational Qualifications: Candidates should be well known with the education qualifications before applying the examination. Here we brought the complete details of the educational qualifications required for CDS 2 2021 Notification.

INDIAN NAVAL ACADEMYB.E/B.Tech (10+2 with Physics & Maths)
AIR FORCE ACADEMYGraduation, B.E/B.Tech (10+2 with Physics &Maths)

CDS 2 2021 Age limit: As compared to educational qualification age limits also plays a vital role in the CDS 2 2021 notification because UPSC has kept some cut-off dates for the eligibility. So before applying to try to go through the full notification provided by UPSC.

INDIAN MILITARY ACADEMY19-2402 July 1998 to 01 July 2003
INDIAN NAVAL ACADEMY19-2402 July 1998 to 01 July 2003
AIR FORCE ACADEMY20-2402 July 1998 to 01 July 2002
OFFICERS’ TRAINING ACADEMY (MEN)19-2502 July 1997 to 01 July 2003
OFFICERS’ TRAINING ACADEMY (WOMEN)19-2502 July 1997 to 01 July 2003

CDS 2 2021 Selection Procedure: CDS follows a three-stage recruitment process it consists of:

  • Written Test
  • SSB Interview
  • Medical Examination
  • Merit List

CDS 2 2021 Examination Pattern: UPSC follows a standard and very transparent manner to conduct the CDS 2 2021 examination. The written examination consists of the below subjects:

A) For Admission to Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, and Air Force Academy:


B) For Admission to Officers’ Training Academy:


CDS 2 2021 SSB Interview 2021 involves 2 stages:

  • Stage 1 consists of officer intelligence rating, picture perception, and description test.
  • Stage 2 involves interview, group testing officer task, psychology test, and conference

CDS 2 2021 How to Apply:

  • Visit the official website — or
  • Click on the UPSC CDSE 2 2021 link
  • In part – I of the registration, submit your basic information.
  • In part II, fill the payment details and choice of exam center, upload your photo and sign as per guidelines
  • Save and submit it and take a print out for further reference


Application fee: Rs 200/- SC, ST and women candidates are exempted from application fee

Examination Centers: UPSC CDS 2 2021 exam will be held in 41 CDS Exam Centers across India.

Cut Off: Students who score more than the cut-off are considered for SSB interview. Cut Off will be declared by the board based on the applications received and candidates qualified in the first stage of the recruitment process. Now we will look into the expected cut off marks for all the academies.

1IMA115 – 125
2INA110 – 125
3AFA130 – 140
4OTA (MEN)75 -85
5OTA (WOMEN)75- 85
Q1. Can I apply for CDS exam with a backlog?

A. No, you need to clear all backlogs.

Q2. Can a final year student apply for CDS exam?

A. Yes, final year candidates can apply for CDS, but make sure you are completing your degree before the date of joining.

Q3. Will I get multiple SSB interview calls if I clear CDS exam for ore than one option?

A. No, you will get only one SSB call for the first preference you have cleared.

Q4. Can women apply for IMA, AFA, NA through CDS exam?

A. No, women can only apply for OTA Chennai through CDS exam.

Q5. When CDS 1 2021 will be conducted?

A. It will be conducted on 14 Nov 2021.


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SSBCrackExams is a premium online portal for Indian Defence aspirants, helping them to achieve their dreams of joining Indian Defence forces.

90 thoughts on “CDS 2 2021 Notification And Exam Date [OUT NOW]”

    • My DOB is 02/06/1997, is there any way possible that I can apply for CDS 2 OTA.

      Please tell me sir because army is my first priority.
      And This is my big Aim.

      • I can understand your concern, but unfortunately you can’t apply through CDS due to overage.
        Please try with other entries like SSC TECH, TGC.

        I wish you good luck to fulfill your dreams and get the uniform one day. Prepare well for the SSB and go for the best shot.

    • Am completed 2nd year digree and last year exam in 2022 can am apply cds 2 if am completed follow as date of birth

  1. I want to know my eligibility as i have valid cpl issued by dgca, my age is 24 with dob march1997,
    And i m pursuing bsc aviation two yr bachelor, which will be complete by april 2022.

    • I’m a 4th semester’s student. My graduation will be completed in July 2022. Am I eligible for CDS-2 2021? Please reply me Sir I’m very much confused with this

  2. I have an accident when I was 14, I have stitches marks on my left hand .Right now, I am 21 .
    Can I eligible for CDS II 2021?

    • Of course you are! There’s nothing to worry about, work hard, run for atleast 2.5 km, do sit ups, push ups, go beyond your limits! Best fo luck soldier!

  3. Sir me BA course ke last year ko hu our mera second year ko 1 subject backlog Tha To me CDS OTA ke liye apply kr sakta hu kya

    • Which graduation course whether 3 year course duration than you will be eligible if 4 year of degree program than after 3rd year you will be .

      • Bro that’s not a matter if your age is in between given criteria then u can apply for the exam but if u clear it u wouldn’t be able to go for SSB as for that u required a degree or a student of final year of degree.

      • I want to know am I eligible or not for cds as i have current valid cpl ,DOB march 1997, and pursuing bsc aviation 2 yr programme which will be completeby april 2022.

  4. Hii Sir this AGE LIMIT of CDS 2 2021 as per official notification? Because my age “5 June, 1998” . As per this age limit i am not to give IMA Exam that time. please reply me sir

    • Hello there is one mistake in Q5
      It has been asked about CDS 1 exam conducts and answer is 14Nov2021 either question is wrong or answer has been given wrong.

    • No, you’re not eligible as per the age criteria but you can still apply through TGC in Indian Army if you are an Engineering Graduate. If not the only and the best option for you is Teritorial Army(TA).

  5. Hello sir my DOB according to marksheet is 01/07/1997 but it is incorrect and my actual DOB is 02/09/1997 which is only mentioned in my birth certificate so can i apply for CDS 2 2021 or is there any way to change my DOB in marksheet …

  6. Hello sir I’m veena vaishnva, sir I’ve semester system I’ll be in 9th semester when CDS 2 will be conducted so I’ll be eligible for CDS 2


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