CDS & AFCAT 1 2024 Exam Maths Live – Mensuration 2D – Extra Class

The AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) and CDS (Combined Defence Services) exams are significant gateways for those with aspirations of serving in the defense...

The AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) and CDS (Combined Defence Services) exams are significant gateways for those with aspirations of serving in the defense sector. In the mathematical section of these exams, Mensuration holds a prominent place. To cater to the needs of students and help them resolve their doubts, a dedicated live class was conducted, focusing on questions related to the area and perimeters of various 2D figures. These figures encompass rectangles, triangles, squares, quadrilaterals, parallelograms, rhombuses, trapeziums, and circles. The class also incorporated previous year’s questions, offering a valuable platform for students to clarify their doubts and reinforce their understanding in preparation for the AFCAT-CDS 1 2024 exam.

Bridging Knowledge Gaps

Strengthening the Basics

The class initiated by reinforcing the foundational concepts of area and perimeter for various 2D figures. Addressing doubts often starts with solidifying the basics.

Rectangle: Rectifying Queries

Solving Rectangle-Related Doubts

Rectangles, being fundamental 2D shapes, are common sources of doubts. The class offered clarification on the area and perimeter of rectangles and addressed doubts related to their properties and applications.

Triangle: Triangular Troubles

Resolving Triangle Doubts

Triangles, with their diverse forms, can present various challenges. The class tackled doubts concerning the area and perimeter of different types of triangles, including equilateral, isosceles, and scalene.

Square: Squaring Away Doubts

Navigating Square-Related Doubts

Squares, with their unique properties, can lead to doubts. The class provided solutions to doubts regarding the area and perimeter of squares and clarified their applications.

Quadrilaterals: Doubts in Four-Sided Figures

Untangling Quadrilateral Doubts

Quadrilaterals, which encompass diverse shapes like trapeziums, parallelograms, and rhombuses, were addressed. The class resolved doubts about the area and perimeter of these 2D figures, emphasizing their distinctive properties.

Parallelogram: Unraveling Doubts in Parallel

Clarifying Parallelogram Doubts

Parallelograms, known for their parallel sides and unequal angles, were discussed in detail. The class resolved doubts related to the area and perimeter of parallelograms and their real-world applications.

Rhombus: Rectifying Rhombus-Related Doubts

Rectifying Rhombus Doubts

Rhombuses, often associated with squares due to their equal sides, were the focus of doubt resolution. The class provided clarification on the area and perimeter of rhombuses and their applications.

Trapezium: Troubleshooting Trapeziums

Addressing Trapezium Doubts

Trapeziums, with their two unequal parallel sides, can pose challenges. The class addressed doubts related to the area and perimeter of trapeziums and emphasized their unique properties.

Circle: Circular Clarifications

Clearing Circle Doubts

Circles, with their special properties, were also part of the doubt class. The class clarified doubts concerning the area and circumference (perimeter) of circles and their applications.

Learning from the Past

Leveraging Previous Year Questions

A standout feature of this doubt class was the inclusion of previous year’s questions. It allowed students to apply their knowledge to real exam scenarios and gain insights into how these concepts are tested.


Preparation for the AFCAT-CDS 1 2024 exam involves not only acquiring knowledge but also addressing doubts and strengthening one’s understanding. This article has provided insights into a live class dedicated to achieving this, particularly in the realm of 2D Mensuration.

The fundamental knowledge of area and perimeter for various 2D figures is crucial. However, doubts can act as stumbling blocks, and it’s essential to have a platform to address these uncertainties.

The class discussed herein, enriched with detailed explanations and the inclusion of previous year’s questions, is a valuable resource for aspirants. It offers students an opportunity to clear their doubts, solidify their understanding, and develop confidence in approaching questions related to 2D Mensuration in the AFCAT-CDS 1 2024 exam.

In summary, clearing doubts and mastering 2D Mensuration is a pivotal step towards success in the AFCAT-CDS 1 2024 exam. The doubt class not only reinforces knowledge but also provides a platform for students to seek clarifications, ultimately making them better equipped to excel in this critical examination.

Picture of Ayush Kumar

Ayush Kumar

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