The Combined Defence Services (CDS) Examination is conducted twice a year by the Union Public Service Commission for recruitment into the Indian Military Academy, Officers Training Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Indian Air Force Academy. CDS Written exam consists of three papers: Maths, English and General Knowledge.
English Paper in CDS exam includes 120 questions and a total of 100 marks with 0.83 marks being awarded for each correct answer and 0.27 marks deducted for each incorrect one. The paper duration is of 2 hours.
CDS English Syllabus consists of :
- Spotting of Errors
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Vocabulary (Idioms & Phrases)
- Sentence Improvement
- Sentence Completion (Fill in the blanks & Cloze Test)
- Ordering of Words & Sentences
- Comprehension
- Active – Passive Voice
- Direct – Indirect or Reported Speech
- One Word Substitution
- Spelling
- Parts of Speech
- Transformation
Below are in detail topic-wise previous years’ Q&A analysis and a concrete study plan to cover all the important topics in CDS English syllabus with almost 3 months in hand:

Tips to Remember:
- Please keep a printout of this Study Plan & try to follow the schedule as strictly as possible.
- Revise and practice English grammar and vocabulary regularly.
- Follow the study materials or any notes made by you, during Revision.
- Practise Mock Test Series and various question as many as you can.
- Don’t forget to chill out and relax!