So finally UPSC has published the CDS 1 2020 exam result today, 7018 defence aspirants were able to clear the written exam and ready to face the SSB interview for Army, Navy and Airforce for IMA, OTA, AFA and INA respectively.
The marks for the CDS 1 2020 will be published only after the final result and merit list of CDS 1 2020. The SSB interview for CDS 1 2020 may or may not start after a month because it will mostly depend on the Coronavirus situation here in India. Below you can find the official statement from UPSC on CDS 1 2020 result.
In this article we will discuss about the next step one needs to take after clearing the CDS 1 2020 written exam, we will also talk about the CDS 1 2020 result that will be declared by the UPSC in coming months. Many candidates have attempted the CDS 1 2020 exam on 02 February 2020, this was the first defence exam conducted in the year 2020 and one of the most famous defence exams for the defence aspirants through which one can join the IMA, OTA, AFA and INA to become an officer in the Army, Navy and Air Force. After checking the CDS 1 2020 answer key published by SSBCrackExams team, many candidates are asking us about their CDS 1 2020 result, marks and SSB Dates. In this article, we will explain the next step you should take after writing the CDS exam. In case you are preparing for the upcoming CDS exam i.e. CDS 2 2020 and CDS 1 2021, do not forget the enroll in our CDS Exam Online Course for full and solid preparation. If you are preparing for the SSB Interview, do not forget to read “Let’s Crack SSB Interview” and “Breaking the Code of SSB Psychology“
CDS 1 2020 Result [Written Exam]
UPSC will publish the CDS 1 2020 result in 60 days time. So we can expect the CDS 1 2020 result in March end or in April 1st week. UPSC will publish the list of candidates who have cleared the CDS 1 2020 written exam, these candidates will get the SSB interview call letter based on their preference. In case you are cleared for more than one academy, for example, you are cleared for both IMA and OTA, you will only get one call for your first preference that you have cleared. Do not assume that you will get more than one SSB interview call.
CDS 1 2020 SSB Interview
Candidates will get the SSB interview dates after on the official career portal. Candidates who qualified in the written exam and given their first choice as Army (IMA/OTA) are required to register themselves on the recruiting directorate website in order to enable them to receive call up information for SSB interview. Those candidates who have already registered on the recruiting directorate website are advised not to register again. For Air force and Navy candidates, they must keep an eye on the official portal respectively.
How to prepare for the SSB interview
If you are sure about clearing the CDS 1 2020 exam, this is the right time to prepare for the SSB interview that will be conducted after CDS 1 2020 exam. You can get the best selling books that will help you to ace the SSB interview which is a 5 days personality test.
- Let’s Crack SSB Interview – Book
- Breaking the code of SSB Psychology- Book
- SSB Interview Study Material 2020 [ Pack of 17 eBooks ]
How many candidates will clear the CDS 1 2020 exam
Every CDS aspirant must be thinking that how many candidates will actually clear the CDS 1 2020 exam! let’s look at the previous trends that will help you to understand how many candidates will actually clear the CDS written exam.
- CDS 1 2020 – 7018 Candidates cleared
- CDS 2 2019 – 8120 Candidates cleared
- CDS 1 2019 – 7953 Candidates cleared
- CDS 2 2018 – 7650 Candidates cleared
- CDS 1 2018 – 8261 Candidates cleared
As you can see around 8 thousand candidates are clearing the CDS written exam. So we can see the competition in CDS exam is very tough and one must prepare for the exam in advance, if you are preparing for the CDS exam in the coming months, do not forget to download SSBCrackExams Learning App.
How to check the CDS 1 2020 Result
- Once the UPSC publishes the result, visit the official UPSC website.
- Click on the CDS result link under What’s new section.
- You will find the CDS 2 2020 roll number and name lists of qualified candidates.
- You can use Ctrl+F to find your name or roll number in the list.
- Follow the instructions given in the CDS 1 2020 result PDF.
Also Check: CDS 1 2020 SSB Interview Dates