What is Command Task in SSB Interview GTO Round

The Command Task is held before the F.G.T. The aim of this task is to find the commanding capability of the candidate. The candidates are...

The Command Task is held before the F.G.T.  The aim of this task is to find the commanding capability of the candidate.  The candidates are allowed to choose two members from the group.  The candidate should have to cross an obstacle with the allotted men and the resources available within allotted time.

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In SSB Command Task, a leader can pick up a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 persons out of the group excluding himself. But normally 2 persons plus the leader will do. A plank and a balli is given to help out. The difficulty of your command task depends on your past performance, if you get a difficult command task, that says that you are going good in GTO

What is Command Task in SSB Interview GTO Round

What is Command Task in SSB Interview GTO Round

In Command Task, each candidate is required to do one task with same rules of Progressive Group Task, except the group rule. The GTO will call each candidate one by one at random. He will walk with you for some distance and do some casual talking before finally taking you to the task. You will be allowed to choose two team members from within the group who will help you during the task. You will get around 15-20 minutes to complete the task.

Tips to prepare for GTO Tasks in SSB: Command task

  • Do not panic and maintain your composure.
  • Pay attention when the task is being explained to you.
  • During the casual talk, do not try to become too friendly with the GTO.
  • After the task is explained, call your team mates and brief them about the task.
  • Give clear instruction to your sub-ordinates and do not let them interfere with your own ideas.
  • Do not shout at your subordinates.
  • You are expected to help in the physical execution of the task. So help your subordinates as well.
  • Do not give up easily and try not to ask your subordinates for suggestion. However, if you are unable to proceed, you may ask one suggestion.
  • After completion of the task, place the helping materials back at the start line; thank your subordinates and the GTO before you return back.
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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