Indian Army implements Common Uniform for Brigadier, above Rank Officers

The Indian Army has implemented a Common Uniform for officers of Brigadier rank and above, regardless of their original cadre or position, to develop a...

The Indian Army has implemented a Common Uniform for officers of Brigadier rank and above, regardless of their original cadre or position, to develop a stronger feeling of unity and spirit within its upper ranks. Accordingly, Policymakers in South Block feel that this move will help the Indian Army’s reputation as a just and unbiased organisation.

Common Uniform

Army implements Common Uniform for Brigadier, above Rank Officers

“The resolution was reached following in-depth discussions at a recent Army Commanders Conference, as well as thorough consultations with all involved parties,” Indian Army officials told Reuters.

The most recent uniform changes for Indian Army Brigadier and higher ranks, including Major General, Lieutenant General, and General, involve standardising features such as rank badges, and gorget patches on collars, shoes, and belts. Prior to this alteration, an Indian Army Brigadier’s uniform would have components unique to the regiments and arms they served in.

Most flag officers (those with a rank higher than Brigadier) hold decision-making roles that demand close collaboration with officers from various army divisions, as well as those from the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Indian Navy. This drive towards a unified standard is seen as an important step towards greater cohesiveness across these three services.

Common Uniform: How will the uniforms worn by these senior Army officers change?

All officers of the rank of Brigadier, Maj General, Lt General, and General will now wear berets (caps) of the same colour, common badges of rank, a common belt buckle, and a common pattern of shoes. They will no longer wear regimental lanyards (cords) on their shoulders. They will also not wear any shoulder flashes like ‘Special Forces’, ‘Arunachal Scouts’, ‘Dogra Scouts’, etc.

Common Uniform
Common Uniform

Thus, there will be no item of uniform that will identify them as belonging to a particular Regiment or Corps. All officers of these higher ranks will dress alike in the same pattern of uniform.

Common Uniform: So what is the reason for making the change?

For most officers who advance in rank, regimental service in the Army ends with the rank of Colonel. As a result, all uniform attachments with that particular Regiment or Corps must also terminate at that rank, preventing any regimental parochialism from progressing to higher ranks.

Common Uniform

Because promotions to higher ranks frequently include leading troops of mixed regimental heritage, senior officers commanding these forces should dress in a neutral uniform rather than a regimental one.

Common Uniform: What is the Tradition in Other Armies?

The uniform worn by officers of the level of Colonel and above in the British army, from which the Indian Army inherits its uniform pattern and related emblems, is referred to as the Staff uniform to distinguish it from the Regimental uniform. It is not permitted to wear any item of Regimental uniform, notably a hat, with the Staff uniform.

The military of bordering countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh, follow the same system as the British army. Beyond the level of Lt Colonel, all regimental uniform components are discarded. Officers with the rank of Brigadier and higher wear uniforms with a similar pattern.

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