Cracked SSB Interview In 15th Attempt AIR-3

Hello, everyone! I am Rahul Kumar, a resident of Poonch, Jammu & Kashmir and I am here today to share my success story in which...

Cracked SSB Interview In 15th Attmept AIR-3

Hello, everyone! I am Rahul Kumar, a resident of Poonch, Jammu & Kashmir and I am here today to share my success story in which I cracked my SSB in my 15th and last attempt.

I am from a defence background as both my father and grandfather had served the Indian Army and from an early childhood I have grown up with the dream of following in their footsteps. Today I am going to be the first Indian Army Officer from the family to serve the country. However, my SSB journey has not been a bed of roses. There were many failures in my path. It took 8 long years, 15 attempts and a lot of personal sacrifices to achieve my childhood goal.

I had been to all Army SSBs as well as AFSB Dehradun and NSB Coimbatore. I faced screen outs 10 times consecutively. Yet, I never lost hope. I was adamant and stubborn to make my dream come true. My SSB journey saw me graduating and moving to other cities for my job in various companies. But the only thing that kept me going was my dream, my very first love to serve the motherland.

The most important thing that really helped me in SSB was planning and organization skills which not only helped me to excel in all the tasks in SSB but also helped me in balancing my working hours in office, leading my life on my own in Bangalore and my preparation for SSB. I did a lot of self introspection and came to conclusion that I had been desperate in getting recommended in earlier SSBs. I changed my strategy this time and decided to show my true self. I prepared my current affairs knowledge from SSBCrack Exams Daily & defence current affairs articles and Instagram posts. Whenever I used to get time in between my work I checked out defence related news and topics from SSBCrack Exams blog and in the evenings after my working hours, I used to talk to my friends who were also preparing for SSB and discuss what we had learnt that day on various topics.

I performed all my SSB tasks really well and had a good bonding with all my group members. My physical and mental stamina, all thanks to my passion and interest in sports, was up to the mark throughout the SSB interview. My personal interview went really well and technical questions were asked about my area of specialization which I replied accurately. I had prepared technical questions from SSBCrack Exams blog articles and it was very helpful in my interview. I kept up my liveliness throughout my SSB which I think was a plus point and one of the reasons for my selection.

My group had the highest number of recommendation. My parents were happier and my friends the happiest when I told them the good news. I want to thank both my parents, my friends, my determination and mentality for this success and I think when I will become an officer I will serve not only my country but also inspire and encourage the youth of J&K to do the same.

So, I think that don’t only prepare for SSB, prepare for life because who you are in your real life will be the ultimate thing that can get you recommended and if you recommend yourself, they surely will. Show your true and authentic qualities and you will surely get the success.

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