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CTW MCTE Mhow Passing Out Parade TES-38 Course

Military College of Telecommunication Engineering (MCTE), held its passing out parade ceremony on 06 November 2021 wherein officers of the Technical Entry Scheme (TES-38) course graduated from the portals of...

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Military College of Telecommunication Engineering (MCTE), held its passing out parade ceremony on 06 November 2021 wherein officers of the Technical Entry Scheme (TES-38) course graduated from the portals of MCTE in IT and Telecommunication Engineering.

Passing Out Ceremony of TES-38 conducted at CTW, MCTE on 06 Nov. The course performed exceedingly well in academics, Outdoor training, and extracurricular activities. Six Foreign Gentleman Cadets are also part of the course.

TES 46 Study Material

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