Index of Eight Core Industries for April 2020, released
- The Office of Economic Adviser, Dept. for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade is released Index of Eight Core Industries for the Month of April 2020.
- The growth rate of Index of Eight Core Industries for April 2020 declined by 38.1% (provisional) compared to decline of 9 percent (provisional) previous month of March 2020.
- In view of nationwide lockdown during April 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic, various industries viz. Coal, Cement, Steel, Natural Gas, Refinery, Crude Oil etc. experienced substantial loss of production.
- The summary of the Index of Eight Core Industries up
to April 2020 (in %) is given as follows:
- Coal production declined by 15.5
- Crude Oil production declined by 6.4
- Natural Gas production declined by 19.9
- Petroleum Refinery production declined by 24.2
- Fertilizers production declined by 4.5
- Steel production declined by 83.9
- Cement production declined by 86.0
- Electricity generation declined by 22.8
Mission SAGAR: INS Kesari at Port Antsiranana, Madagascar
- An official ceremony for handing over the medicines from the Government of India to Government of Madagascar was held on 29 May 2020.
- The Indian side was represented by the Ambassador of India to Madagascar, Mr. Abhay Kumar.
- The deployment also resonates the vision of our Prime Minister of Security and Growth for All in the Region ‘SAGAR’ and highlights the importance accorded by India to relations with the countries of the IOR.
Army Commanders Conference: 27 – 29 May 2020
- The Army Commanders’ Conference, an apex level biannual event which facilitates conceptual level deliberations culminating in important policy decisions
- Organised in two phases. First phase of the Conference was conducted at South Block, New Delhi from 27 to 29 May 2020.
- Over three days, the Indian Army’s apex leadership deliberated upon various aspects related to existing and developing security challenges.
- In additions, human resource management issues, studies pertaining to ammunition management, merger of co-located training establishments and merger of Military Training Directorate with HQ Army Training Command were also discussed.
- The Board of Governor meetings of the Army Welfare Housing Origination (AWHO) and Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) were also organised during the event.
2 MW Solar Power Plant inaugurated at INS Kalinga
- initiative of Govt of India to promote Solar Power and objective to achieve 100 GW of solar power by 2022 as part of the National Solar Mission.
- A 2 MW Solar Photovoltaic Plant was commissioned at INS Kalinga, and it is the largest in the ENC and has an estimated life of 25 years.
- INS Kalinga, has taken significant strides in Green Initiatives, including afforestation, numerous plantation drives, coastal cleanup drives, and protection of the Geo-Heritage site “Erra Matti Dibbalu”.
Missile Park ‘AGNEEPRASTHA‘ to be set up at INS Kalinga
- Foundation Stone for a Missile Park “AGNEEPRASTHA” was laid at INS Kalinga.
- ‘AGNEEPRASTHA’ aims to capture glimpses of Missile History of INS Kalinga since 1981 till date.
- The Missile Park has been set up with a replica of missiles and Ground Support Equipment (GSE) that showcase the evolution of missiles handled.
- The main attraction is P-70 Ametist, an underwater launched anti-ship missile from the arsenal of the old ‘Chakra‘ (Charlie-1 submarine) which was in service with IN during 1988-91.
COVID19 current update in India
- Where is the Missile Park ‘AGNEEPRASTHA’ situated?
- INS Kalinga
- Western Naval Command, Mumbai
- New Delhi
- None of the Above
Answer: A
- Where is the heritage site of Erra Matti Dibbalu
- Bhubaneshwar
- Vizag
- Chennai
- None of the Above
Answer: B
- Army’s Commander’s Conference is held after every
_________ ?
- 4 Years
- 5 Years
- 1 Year
- 2 Years
Answer: D
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